SMS Delivery Failure


When you launch a marketing campaign or send an SMS, it is easy to take for granted that your text messages are delivered on time. But there can be numerous reasons why a message sent is not a message delivered. This article explains why your SMS is not delivered to the end-users and also gets to know the leading causes of why this happens.

This document is for the customers who are:

  • Launching the SMS Campaign for the first time
  • Looking out for reasons for SMS delivery failure

Below is the list of reasons why SMS may not be delivered to the end-user:

SMS Delivery Status

Table 1-1 displays the SMS delivery status, status code, label, and their descriptions:

StatusStatus CodeLabelDescription
DeliveredDELIVEREDDeliveredSMS successfully delivered.
FailedMOB-NOTALLOWEDNumber not allowedWith the default Sender ID (KLRHXA), you can only send messages to your team.
FailedNUM-LIMITMessage-cap overrunMessage-cap overrun.
Not SentNO-CREDITSInsufficient CreditsInsufficient credits.
Not SentSERIES-BLOCKSeries BlockedMobile number series blocked.
Not SentINV-NUMBERInvalid NumberInvalid number.
Not SentSERVER-ERRServer ErrorServer error.
Not SentSPAMAnti-Spam RejectionSpam SMS.
Not SentBLACKLISTBlacklistBlacklisted number.
Not SentTEMPLATE-NOT-FOUNDTemplate MissingTemplate not mapped.
Not SentINV-TEMPLATE-MATCHInvalid TemplateTemplate not matching approved text.
Not SentSENDER-ID-NOT-FOUNDSender ID Not FoundSender ID not found.
Not SentNOT-OPTINUnsubscribedNot subscribed for opt-in group.
Not SentOUTPUT-REJRejectedUnsubscribed from the group.
Not SentSUBMIT-FAILSubmission FailedSubmission to operator failed
Not SentNOTALLOWEDCountry Not Enabled.Country not enabled.
Not SentMAX-LIMITExceeded char limitThe message could not be delivered as it exceeded the maximum character limit.
Not SentCON-DNDMarked as DNDThis Contact is marked as DND.
Not SentINF-CREDITInsufficient creditsInsufficient credits.
QueuedQUEUEDSMS is queuedSMS is queued.
SentNO-DLR-OPTRAwaiting Report from OperatorIn case the operator has not acknowledged the status report of the SMS.
SentSENTWaiting for DLRWaiting for DLR.
Not sentREJECTED-MULTIPARTMultipart RejectionValidation fail [SMS over 160 characters].
Not sentDNDNUMBDo not DisturbDND registered number.
Not sentTIME-OUT-PROMOff Promotional HoursTime out for promotional SMS.
Not SentSNDRID-NOT-ALLOTEDSender ID Not AllocatedSender ID not allocated.
UndeliveredINVALID-SUBInvalid SubmissionThe number does not exist. / Failed to locate the number in the HLR database.
UndeliveredABSENT-SUBAbsent SubscriberTelecom services do not provide service for a particular number. / Mobile Subscriber not reachable.
UndeliveredHANDSET-ERRHandset ErrorProblem with Handset or handset failed to get the complete message. / Handset does not support the incoming messages.
UndeliveredBARREDBarredEnd user has enabled message barring system. / Subscriber only accepts messages from Closed User Group [CUG].
UndeliveredNET-ERRNetwork ErrorSubscriber’s operator not supported. / Gateway mobile switching error.
UndeliveredMEMEXECHandset Memory ErrorHandset memory full.
UndeliveredFAILEDFailedSMS expired due to roaming limitations. / Failed to process the message at the operator level.
UndeliveredMOB-OFFSwitched offMobile handset in switched-off mode.
UndeliveredHANDSET-BUSYHandset BusySubscriber is in busy condition.
UndeliveredSERIES-BLKSeries BlockedSeries blocked by the operator.
UndeliveredEXPIREDExpiredSMS expired after multiple re-try.
UndeliveredREJECTEDBlacklisted by OperatorSMS Rejected as the number is blacklisted by the operator.
UndeliveredUNDELIVUndeliveredFailed due to network errors.
UndeliveredTL-NT-MTCHDTemplate MismatchThe template does not match the template registered on the DLT platform.
UndeliveredSDR-TL-MSMATSender ID Template MismatchThe sender ID used along with the template ID do not match as per the registration in DLT portal.
UndeliveredTL-NT-FOUNDTemplate Not FoundThe message content sent was not found in the DLT platform as a registered template.
UndeliveredTL-LMT-EXCEDTemplate Limit ExceededThe variable content sent exceeds the allowed limit.
UndeliveredTL-BLKLSTTemplate BlacklistedThe message template pushed has been blacklisted at the DLT platform level.
UndeliveredTL-INACTIVETemplate InactiveThe message template sent is in inactive status at the DLT platform level.
UndeliveredSNDR-NT-MTCHSender Not RegisteredThe sender ID used is not registered in the DLT platform level.
Not SentKL-TEMPLATE-ID-NOT-FOUNDTemplate ID MissingSMS not sent as matching template ID not found for content.
UndeliveredREJECTDRejectedSMS Rejected as the number is blacklisted by the operator.
Not SentBLACKLISTBlacklisted in the applicationThe mobile number to which you want to send is blacklisted.
Not SentINV-MOB-PATTRNInvalid mobile numberThe recipient mobile number is invalid.
UndeliveredINV-ENTIY-IDInvalid Entity IDThe Entity ID that customer used is Invalid.
UndeliveredPRFT-NT-MTCHPreference Not MatchThis error code is received for Service Explicit content only. When the end-user is registered under DND. This is completely based on the DND preference selected by the end-user.
UndeliveredSNDR-NT-REGSender Not RegisteredSender ID is not registered in the DLT Platform.
Not SentKLR-INV-NUMBERInvalid mobile numberThe recipient mobile number is invalid.
UndeliveredTL-ID-INVLDTemplate ID InvalidThe template ID that customer using is Invalid.
UndeliveredSNDR-NT-REGDSender Not RegisteredSender ID is not registered in the DLT Platform.
Not SentURL-NT-SENTURL is invalidSMS not sent as replaceable URL details not sent in API.
Not SentURL-SHRT-FAILEDURL shortening failedSMS not sent as URL shortening failed. Please contact support at [email protected].

Incorrect Sender ID

A Sender ID is a set of alphanumeric characters that represent the identity of the sender. It is the name that appears in the From field when you send an SMS campaign. Also, an incorrect From field can be one of the reasons for SMS campaign failure.

By default, will create a Sender ID during the signup. However, using this default ID, you can only send SMS messages to your mobile number and the numbers that are added to the Team. Hence, you must create your own Sender ID to launch a global SMS campaign or send an SMS to other mobile numbers.



A-Team is a group created during your signup, allowing you to invite members and join your Team in the

The rules for creating a Sender ID may vary from county to county. For example, In India, you need to register the Sender ID with the network operator on the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform. Once registered, only then you can apply it in It is recommended to go through the global registration process before you create a Sender ID.

For more information on the Global Registration Process, see Global Registration Process
For more information on Creating a Sender ID in, see Creating a Sender ID. To view the API Key and the SID, see View API Key and SID.

Content Restrictions

Many countries enforce different types of content restrictions on network operators.
For example, in India, companies must register their Content and Consent Templates on the DLT. Japan does not allow you to add URLs in the message body.

For India specific information on the Content Registration process, see Content Registration



Before you start an SMS campaign, we recommend you to research the content requirements of each destination country.

Time restriction on promotional SMS

SMS campaigns are one of the best ways to promote your products. However, there are time restrictions enforced by various countries.

For example, in India, if you run a campaign outside the permitted hours of 9:00 PM to 9:00 AM then, the SMS campaign shows as failed or message undelivered.



Before you start an SMS campaign, we recommend you to research the time restrictions for each destination country.

Country Code not entered

Before sending an SMS to the contacts, ensure to prefix the country code to the mobile number. Else, the system will consider the first two digits of the mobile number as the country code, which results in the SMS campaign failure.

Incorrect Country Code

Ensure the country code entered is correct when you are sending SMS to multiple countries.

Other reasons for SMS Campaign Failure

Below are some of the other reasons:

  • Exception Time Out
  • Message Inbox memory is full on your mobile device (Lack of space in the receiver's Mobile internal memory for new messages).
  • The number is out of reach (not reachable or out of coverage area).
  • Handset failure(The receiver handset is damaged or is not working properly).
  • Network failure (The carrier network is facing some technical difficulties and messages are just not able to be delivered. (Downtime caused by network problems, Security failure, Hardware failure, etc.).



Kalyera's system is configured to retry the delivery of messages within a few hours. If the message still fails, it is marked as Failed.

If you are still not able to resolve the issue, contact our support team at [email protected].