On-premise API Error Codes
This topic contains the list of on-premise API error codes, you can refer to them if you have been registered by the Kaleyra operation team.
Error Code
Auth Errors
Error Code | Description |
E703 | The amount should be more than 0. |
E900 | Invalid input or validation error! |
E901 | Invalid country id. |
E902 | Email already verified. |
E903 | The mobile number is not updated. |
E904 | Mobile Number is invalid. |
E905 | Your request is not processed. |
E906 | From number does not belong to your account. |
E907 | To-number param is required if To param is not passed. |
E908 | To-number should be in E164 format. |
E910 | The website can have a maximum of 256 characters. |
WhatsApp Error
Error Code | Description |
E110 | Please check your balance, you have a low balance! |
E935 | business_id can only include numbers. |
E936 | business_name can only include alphanumeric characters and spaces. |
E937 | This account already has submitted a request for WhatsApp activation. |
E938 | Failed to verify existing business details of the account. |
E939 | Failed to submit a request for Whatsapp account activation. |
E940 | :type can be of maximum 500 characters. Ex: templates, temp. |
E941 | business_certificate field is required and cannot be empty. |
E942 | business_name can be a maximum of 50 characters. |
E943 | business_name field is required and cannot be empty. |
E944 | business_id can be a maximum of 20 characters. |
E945 | business_id field is required and cannot be empty. |
E946 | The display_name must be at least 3 characters. |
E947 | Failed to create a new WA number. |
E948 | displayname can be alphanumeric and only spaces and (- .) are allowed. |
E949 | display_name is required and cannot be empty. |
E950 | wa_number field is required and cannot be empty. |
E951 | wa_number must be in E164 format +. |
E952 | :type value is not a valid URL. Example: htttps://. |
E953 | contact_email can be of a maximum of 128 characters. |
E954 | An address can be a maximum of 256 characters. |
E955 | business_catregory can be a maximum of 50 characters. |
E956 | business_description can be of a maximum of 256 characters. |
E957 | callback_profile_id can be a maximum of 45 characters. |
E958 | contact_email value is not a valid email. |
E959 | WA Phone number was updated successfully. |
E960 | business_catregory value is invalid. Valid values are: :categories Automotives. |
E961 | Need to add at least one editable field to update WA phone number. |
E962 | display_image cannot be empty. |
E963 | about can be a maximum of 139 characters. |
E964 | The template name is mandatory. |
E965 | The template name is mandatory and should only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores without spaces. |
E966 | Template name should not exceed :limit characters. |
E967 | The template language is mandatory. |
E968 | Template language cannot exceed 10 characters. |
E969 | Invalid template language. Accepted languages are :languages. |
E970 | The template category is mandatory. |
E971 | Invalid template category. Accepted categories are :categories. |
E972 | The template Body should not be empty. |
E973 | Template Body should not exceed 1024 characters. |
E974 | Invalid template header type. Accepted header types are :types image and document. |
E975 | Only text header types can have content. |
E976 | Header content can be a maximum of 60 characters. |
E977 | Template footer length can be a maximum of 60 characters. |
E978 | Template button data should be an array of objects. |
E979 | Template button data can have a maximum of two buttons/objects. |
E980 | The template button type cannot be empty. Allowed button types are Quick reply, Phone number and URL. |
E981 | A template having QUICK_REPLY button can have only one button. |
E982 | Please enter text for quick_reply1. |
E983 | The quick reply button can have a maximum of 20 characters. |
E984 | For PHONE_NUMBER button phone_number key and value is mandatory. |
E985 | For PHONE_NUMBER button phone_number_text key and value is mandatory. |
E986 | phone_number can have a maximum of 20 characters. |
E987 | phone_number must have a maximum of 6 characters. |
E988 | phone_number must be in E164 format +. |
E989 | phone_number_text can have a maximum of 20 characters. |
E990 | For URL button webiste_url_type key and value is mandatory. |
E991 | For URL button webiste_url key and value is mandatory. |
E992 | For URL button website_button_text key and value is mandatory. |
E993 | Invalid value for webiste_url_type. Valid values are :values. |
E994 | website_button_text can have a maximum of 20 characters. |
E995 | The template was created successfully. |
E996 | Failed to create the template. |
E997 | The invalid key for quick_reply button data. Allowed keys are :keys. |
E998 | Please provide value for quick_reply2 key before quick_reply3. |
E999 | :button button can be added only once Ex: phone number button can be added once. |
E1000 | For the type :type :field field is optional but cannot be an empty value. Ex header -> text. |
E1001 | For the type :type :field field is mandatory and cannot be empty! Ex All mandatory. |
E1002 | The body can be a maximum of 1024 characters. |
E1003 | :field can be a maximum of 60 characters Ex: header, footer. |
E1004 | Invalid link provided for header_value. |
E1005 | Invalid header type. Allowed header types are :types. |
E1006 | For header type :type please upload only file of type :extension. Ex image -> .png. |
E1007 | The callback was not initiated as the URL is not whitelisted. |
E1008 | Failed to fetch Whatsapp template status! |
E1009 | Header Content is mandatory. |
E1010 | Sample Body is mandatory when uploading sample media files for header types image video and documents! |
E1011 | Invalid file type! For header type :header_type only format(s) of type :extensions are allowed! image -> .png, .jpg, .jpeg. |
E1012 | Failed to upload a sample template file! |
E1013 | WABA Id entered is invalid or does not exist! |
E1014 | A sample Website URL is required for dynamic URLs when uploading sample media. |
E1015 | Sample Website URL can be of maximum 2000 characters. |
E704 | Invalid file input. Please input a valid media file. |
E700 | Unable to upload the file. |
E701 | Unable to upload the file. |
E702 | File type not supported. |
E421 | Invalid or In-Correct from. |
E422 | For the type :type body field is mandatory and cannot be empty! Ex: text. |
E423 | Type should be text/location/template. |
E424 | For type template/mediatemplate template_name is mandatory and cannot be empty! |
E425 | Channel can be either whatsapp/vsms/sms. |
E426 | param_contacts is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E427 | Please enter valid param_contacts JSON data. |
E428 | first_name is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E429 | formatted_name is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E430 | The name field is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E431 | please enter valid key values for the name parameter. |
E432 | please enter valid key values for the addresses parameter. |
E433 | please enter valid key values for emails parameter. |
E434 | please enter valid key values for the org parameter. |
E435 | please enter valid key values for the phones parameter. |
E436 | please enter valid key values for URLs parameter. |
E437 | please enter a valid string value for the birthday parameter. |
E438 | For the type :type you cannot send media URL. Ex: text. |
E600 | to field is mandatory. |
E611 | The type field is mandatory. |
E808 | The body is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E809 | please enter valid JSON data for the body. |
E810 | For the type, the template/mediatemplate template field is mandatory and cannot be empty! |
E811 | For the type, the template media(audiovideoimage) or text fields are not allowed. |
E812 | For the type, the text/media(audiovideoimage) you cannot send the template field. |
E813 | For the type text, you cannot send media(audiovideoimage). |
E814 | For the type, the image field is mandatory. |
E815 | For the type, the video field is mandatory. |
E816 | For the type, the audio field is mandatory. |
E817 | For the type, the text field is mandatory. |
E818 | For the type, the text message field is mandatory and cannot be empty. |
E819 | For the type, the location field is mandatory. |
E820 | For the type, the location longitude field is mandatory. |
E821 | For the type location, the latitude field is mandatory. |
E822 | For the type, the contacts field is mandatory. |
E823 | For the type, the document field is mandatory. |
E13047 | User is not valid. |
E13048 | Internal error. |
E13016 | Invalid media type provided. |
E13034 | Generic error. |
E13041 | Resource not found. |
E13045 | Service not ready. |
E13057 | Database error occurred. |
Other Error
Error Code | Description |
472 | Failed to send a message because this user's phone number is part of an experiment. |
Updated over 1 year ago