Quality Rating
A phone number's quality rating is determined based on the recent messages(feedback) received from the end customers in the last 7 days. The quality is based on the combination of quality signals from the conversations between the businesses and the end customers. The examples include user feedback signals like blocks, reports and the reasons users provide when they block a business.
The quality rating is based on how the end customers have responded in the past seven days and also the recency of the response. The different types of responses from the end customers include blockages, the reason for blocking, reports and so on.
The different statuses a phone number quality rating are as follows:
- Connected—With this status, you can send messages within your set messaging limit.
- Flagged—This indicates the quality rating is 'low' and the messaging limit cannot be upgraded.
- Restricted—This indicates that you have reached the maximum messaging limit, regardless of the quality rating.
Updated 14 days ago