Monitoring Stats

GET Method


The Monitoring Stats API is used to monitor the performance of different instances in the WhatsApp Business API Client. The WhatsApp instance monitoring solution allows the users to measure the performance of their query with current queue callback size and number of pending messages.



The Monitoring Stats service is exposed only to the whitelisted IPs. Please contact if you want to access stats for your WhatsApp Business Numbers.

Base URL

To monitor the stats information on WhatsApp, follow the below steps:

  1. Sign in to and create your API key.

Refer to the Create an API Key page for steps to create your API key. To view the API Key and the SID, see View API Key and SID.



After you sign up, your account will be on the trial version. You need to complete the KYC to access all the features of

API Command to monitor stats information

Request Format

curl --request GET '<FROM_NUMBER>'



Replace the placeholders above with relevant values as mentioned below.

Parameters and Variables

The below table displays the parameter and variable used:

FROM_NUMBERIntegerThe WhatsApp business number registered with from which the message is to be sent. Ensure the number is prefixed with the country code. (E164 format).+1202XXXXXXXTrue

Response Format

This section provides you the successful JSON response format.

Success Response

   "message":"Requested processed successfully",
               "help":"Current callback queue size",

Failure Response

"code": "WS406",
"message": "The accept header mismatches the supported server response!",
"error": {},
"data": []
"code": "WS500",
"message": "somthing went wrong !!!",
"error": {},
"data": []

Error Codes

The following table provides information about the error codes you would receive when executing the WhatsApp Monitoring Stats API.

Error CodeDescription
ws406The accept header mismatches the supported server response.
ws500Invalid or in-correct input of the From number.

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