Get a Callback Profile by ID
GET Method offers an API that enables you to get all the information about a given callback profile based on ID.
Base URL
To get all the information about a given callback profile, perform the following steps:
API request to get callback profile details
To get callback profile details, use the /callback/profiles/<id>
endpoint with the following request method:
Request Format
curl --location --request GET '<url>/v1/<sid>/callback/profiles/<id>' \
--header 'api-key: <api-key>' \
--data-raw ''
The following table describes the parameter used for getting callback profile details:
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Example | Mandatory |
sid | String | Account SID (Security Identifier). | HXXXXXXX071IN | Yes |
id | String | Callback profile ID. | SG_bxxxxxxf-2xx4-4xx9-8xx7-fxxxxxxxxxxa | Yes |
api-key | String | API key generated from account. | Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3 | Yes |
Sample Request
The following is the sample request:
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'api-key: Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3' \
--data-raw ''
Sample Success Response
The following is the sample success response for callback profile details:
"code": "RBC024",
"message": "Profile fetched successfully",
"data": {
"profile_id": "SG_bxxxxxxf-2xx4-4xx9-8xx7-fxxxxxxxxxxa",
"title": "some title",
"url": "https://some-url",
"http_method": "POST",
"headers": "{}",
"body_type": null,
"body": "{\"A\":\"D\"}",
"status": 1, //1 - active; 2 - Auto-Disabled ; 3 - Disabled;
"created_at": "2023-04-04T05:42:59.000Z",
"modified_at": null,
"enc": {
"algo": "AES-128-CFB",
"key": "K1xxxxxxxxxxxx2P", //16-bit key
"IV": "POxxxxxxxxxxxxLY" //16-bit key
"response_message": "string",
"channel": "string",
"events": "[\"\"]", // "[\"event1\",\"event2\"]"
"dynamic_variables": null,
"replacers": {key:value},
"error": {},
"status": 200
Sample Failure Response
The following is a sample failure response:
"code": "RBC302",
"message": "No profile exists with this id",
"data": {},
"error": [
"params": "No profile exists with id: SG_cxxxxxxf-2xx4-4xx9-8xx7-fxxxxxxxxxxa"
"status": 404
For more information about response codes and statuses for getting callback profile details, see Response Codes and Statuses for Getting Callback Profile Details by ID.
Updated over 1 year ago