SMS MO Summary Report

SMS MO summary report is aggregated by date, company mobile, keywords, status, and status trac for the mobile originated SMS sent by customers to their organization, you can view the following details in the report:

DateDisplays the date based on the date range selected for report generation.August 28, 2023
Company MobileDisplays the company’s mobile number to which customers send the SMS.+1XXXXXXX07
KeywordA Keyword is a unique set of strings that a customer uses to start a message. The value of this field is the keyword sent by the customer in the SMS that matched the configured keyword in the Receive Message features for the given Company Mobile number.KLRDEM
StatusDisplays the status of the message sent by the customer. For MO this field has always the value set to SENT.SENT
Status TraceDisplays the status trace of the message sent by the customer. For MO this field has always the value set to SENT.SENT
TotalThe total number of messages that have been sent from customers to that given number on that given day matching that given keyword.5