Call Statuses
Description of all the Kaleyra call statuses.
Every Voice call has a status value that describes the final status of the call. Voice currently has 28 call statuses, following are the descriptions:
Call Status | Description |
NOANSWER | The call was not answered by the callee (dialled number). |
ANSWER | The call was answered by the callee (dialled number). |
FLOW_ANSWER | An incoming call landed successfully on the Flow. |
FAILED | The call initiation failed. |
BUSY | The callee (dialled number) was busy. |
REJECTED | The call was rejected by the callee (dialled number). |
NOROUTE | No dialling route was available for the ‘TO’ number. |
BUSY_CHANNEL1 | The first dialled number was busy when the call was initiated. |
BUSY_CHANNEL2 | The first dialled number was answered while the second dialled number was busy. |
FAILED_CHANNEL1 | The call initiation failed for the first dialled number. |
FAILED_CHANNEL2 | The first dialled number was answered while the call initiation failed for the second dialled number. |
NOANSWER_CHANNEL1 | The call was not answered by the first dialled number. |
NOANSWER_CHANNEL2 | The first dialled number was answered while the call was not answered by the second dialled number. |
MAXUSE | The call was not initiated as the channel capacity reached its maximum limit. |
FLOW_UNASSIGNED | There was no DID number assigned to the flow which was supposed to be triggered by the outbound call. |
FLOW_PAUSED | The flow triggered by the outbound call is in the Pause state. |
FLOW_NOT_PUBLISHED | The flow triggered by the outbound call was not published. |
FLOW_UNREACHABLE | The flow triggered by the outbound call was not reachable. |
QUEUE_TIMEOUT | The queued calls were not initiated due to queue timeout. |
OBD_TIMEOUT | The outbound call timeout was due to set values in OBD API. |
CANCEL | The call was rejected by the caller. |
BRIDGE_UNAVAILABLE | The Bridge number was inactive when the call was initiated. |
MISS_CALL | Miss call option is enabled for incoming calls. |
NO_INCOMING_CLI | For incoming calls where the operator doesn't send a CLI (Caller ID, which is an alias for DID or Bridge Number). |
INCOMING_DISCONNECTED | The incoming call was disconnected. |
RING_TIMEOUT | The incoming call timed out while executing non-telephony widgets. |
FLOW_EXECUTED | Complete execution of flows without telephony widgets. |
OUTGOING_RESTRICTED | The number does not have outgoing call facilities. |
Updated over 1 year ago