SMS MT Summary Reports
SMS MT summary report is aggregated by date, senderID, country, campaign name, status, and status trace for the mobile terminated SMS sent by organization to their customers, you can view the following details in the report:
Column | Description | Example |
Date | Displays the date based on the date range selected for report generation. | June 7, 2022 |
Sender | Displays the sender ID. A Sender ID is a unique name or standard mobile number that shows in the “from” field of your text messages on your phone. It could be a phone number, an alpha-numeric, an alphabetic, or a numeric alias. | +1XXXXXXX07 |
Campaign Name | Displays the title of the campaign. | Birthday Campaign |
Destination Country | Displays the name of the country that the message is sent to. | USA |
Status | Displays the status you would receive when requesting SMS MT Status. | Not Sent |
Status Trace | Displays the status trace codes you would receive when requesting SMS MT Status. | NET-ERR |
Total SMS | Displays the number of SMS sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. | 5 |
Total Units | Displays the total SMS units sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. When you send a long SMS MT message, the message is split into multiple units and is recombined at the receiving end. Each unit is charged as a separate message. | 6 |
Units Charged | Displays the total number of SMS units charged against the total number of SMS sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. You are charged for all the SMS units submitted to the Operator. | 6 |
Units Refunded | Displays the total number of SMS units refunded against the total number of SMS sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. Some messages get automatically refunded based on the Status Trace returned by the Operator. | 0 |
Units Billable | Displays the total number of billable SMS units against the total number of SMS sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. Units Billable is calculated as Units Charged minus Units Refunded. | 6 |
Subtotal** | Displays the total amount charged, without any DLT fees excluded from refunds. Subtotal is calculated as Amount Billed minus Non-Refundable DLT Fees. | $0.90 |
Non Refundable DLT Fees** | Displays the total amount deducted as part of scrubbing charges under the Non-Refundable DLT Fees column. This amount is non-refundable. | $0.00 |
Amount Billable | Displays the final billable amount for the total number of SMS sent on the given day, to the given country, for the given campaign, with the alias having the specific status and status trace. In general, the Amount Billable depends on the SMS status, and on the mode (for example, deduct the amount on delivery mode or deduct the amount on submission mode), and scrubbing charges (if any). Amount Billable is calculated as: Total Amount Charged minus Total Amount Refunded Note: If non-refundable fees are present, this amount will also be equal to Subtotal plus DLT Scrubbing Charges. | $0.90 |
- These details are applicable only to customers in India.
- These columns are visible only when there is a partial refund.
DLT Scrubbing Charge is applicable for the Indian customer for whom if there is a Submission rejection from an operator, in such case even if there is a failure the entire amount is not refunded.
Updated over 1 year ago