Create SMS Campaign on WebEngage
To create an SMS campaign on WebEngage, perform the following steps:
- Log in to WebEngage .
- From the left navigation bar click SMS. The SMS page appears.
- Click +. The Select a Campaign Type page appears.
- Select the type of campaign you would like to create. The Create SMS Campaign page appears.
The Create SMS Campaign page has the following fields:
Field | Description |
CAMPAIGN NAME | Enter the unique campaign name. |
CAMPAIGN TAGS | Select the campaign tags from the drop-down list. |
CAMPAIGN TYPE | Displays the type of campaign that you had selected in the previous step. To change the campaign type, click the edit button and select the required option. |
CONTENT TYPE | Select the required content-type: Promotional—to send the message through the SSP's promotional messaging pipeline. Transactional—to send the message through the SSP's transactional messaging pipeline, allowing immediate delivery. |
AUDIENCE TYPE | You can choose to target a specific segment of users or combine several segments to define your SMS campaign's audience. There are two available options: Send to users in single segment—to target all users who are included within a particular segment. Send to users in multiple segments and/ or Don't send to users in certain segments—to define the target audience by including/excluding multiple segments. |
SEND TO | From the SEND TO list, select the specific target segment. Click + corresponding to the SEND TO list to create a new segment. |
- Click SAVE & CONTINUE. The Campaign page appears.
The Campaign page has the following sections:
Campaign Type & Schedule
Here you can specify when and how often the target audience should receive your campaign.
The CAMPAIGN TYPE and DELIVERY TIME have the following options:
- One-time
- Triggered
- Recurring
One-time Campaign
These are stand-alone messages that are sent to your users only once and generally comprise time-bound offers, festive deals, product updates, and so on. Such campaigns end as soon as they are delivered to the target audience.
- Choose the CAMPAIGN TYPE as One-time.
- Specify the below DELIVERY TIME.
- Now - Select Now to send the campaign immediately.
- Later - Select Later to schedule the campaign. If Later is selected, you can send messages as per each user's time zone by selecting In User's Time zone from the last drop-down list.
Triggered Campaign
These are ongoing cycles of communication that are sent to only those users of your target audience, who perform a particular event on your app/website.
- Choose the CAMPAIGN TYPE as Triggered.
- Select the event from the drop-down list. The available options are SMS Accepted, Read, Rejected, Failed, and Sent.
- Specify the DELIVERY TIME as:
Send as soon as the event occurs to deliver the campaign immediately.
Wait for (duration) and then send to deliver the campaign after some time. You can set up a wait time in Minutes, Hours, or Weeks, after which, the campaign will be sent to the respective users. - Specify the START DATE from the Calendar icon on which the recurring campaign should start getting delivered to the target audience.
- Now - Select Now to send the campaign immediately.
- Later - Select Later to schedule the campaign.
- Specify the END DATE as Never or Till.
- Never - Select Never to run the campaign indefinitely.
- Till - Select Till to run the campaign till the specified date.
Recurring Campaign
These are ongoing cycles of communication that are scheduled to be sent periodically to its target audience.
- Choose the CAMPAIGN TYPE as Recurring.
- Specify the START DATE from the Calendar icon on which the recurring campaign should start getting delivered to the target audience.
- The frequency of a recurring campaign can be set as:
- Day, at a specific Time
- Week, at a specific Day and Time
- Month, on a specific day of the Month and Time
- Specify the End Date on which the campaign should cease getting delivered to the target audience.
- Never - Select Never to run the campaign indefinitely.
- Till - Select Till to run the campaign till the specified date.
Frequency Capping, DND, Queueing & Throttling
The Frequency Capping, DND, Queueing, and Throttling features allow you to manage the frequency and timing of campaign delivery for each user.
The FC feature has the following options:
- Select Follow Frequency Capping settings.... to send the campaign as per your account's frequency capping and time gap settings.
- Select Ignore Frequency Capping settings... to ensure campaign delivery even if the frequency cap for the day/week/month has been met for a user.
The DND feature has the following options:
- Select Follow Frequency Capping settings.... to send the campaign as per your account's frequency capping and time gap settings.
- Select Ignore Frequency Capping settings... to ensure campaign delivery even if the frequency cap for the day/week/month has been met for a user.
The DND feature has the following options:
- Select Queue message for up to...,to enable the feature and specify a custom queueing duration for the campaign in Minutes, Hours or Days.
- Select Do not Queue messages... to drop the message if we're unable to deliver it to a user due to FC/DND settings.
The THROTTLING feature has the following options:
Select Do not throttle campaign... to send all messages instantly to the entire target audience.
Select Throttle campaigns as per channel throttling limits to control the number of messages delivered per minute.
Select Throttle campaigns at... to specify a custom message throttling duration for this campaign.
Click SAVE & CONTINUE. The Select a Template page appears.
From the Select a Template page, click on the desired row. The Message Content page appears
Updated over 1 year ago