WhatsApp Error Codes

This document provides information about the error codes you would receive when executing the WhatsApp REST APIs.

HTTP Status Code

HTTP StatusDescription
200Successful request
202Successful request has been accepted
400Invalid Input, validation failed
500Server Error, unable to process your request

HTTPS Status Code

3xx Redirection

Status CodeDescription
300Multiple Choices.
301Moved Permanently.
302Found (Previously "Moved Temporarily").
303See Other.
304Not Modified.
305Use Proxy.
306Switch Proxy.
307Temporary Redirect.
308Permanent Redirect.

4xx Client Error

Status CodeDescription
400Bad Request.
402Payment Required.
404Not Found.
405Method Not Allowed.
406Not Acceptable.
407Proxy Authentication is Required.
408Request Timeout.
411Length Required.
412Precondition Failed.
413Payload Too Large.
414URI Too Long.
415Unsupported Media Type.
416Range Not Satisfiable.
417Expectation Failed.
418I'm a Teapot.
421Misdirected Request.
422Unprocessable Entity.
424Failed Dependency.
425Too Early.
426Upgrade Required.
428Precondition Required.
429Too Many Requests.
431Request Header Fields Too Large.
451Unavailable For Legal Reasons.

5xx Server Error

Status CodeDescription
500Internal Server Error.
501Not Implemented.
502Bad Gateway.
503Service Unavailable.
504Gateway Timeout.
505HTTP Version Not Supported.
506Variant Also Negotiates.
507Insufficient Storage.
508Loop Detected.
510Not Extended.
511Network Authentication is Required.

Response Error Code and Description

Error CodeDescription
E13001The list of Message IDs is empty. Enter the list and try again.
E13001The Company ID is missing. Input the ID and re-execute the command.
E13001The User ID is missing.
E13001The Role ID is missing.
E13001The Cert Path value is required.
E13001The Cert Path value must be a string.
E13001The ID value is required.
E13001The ID value must be a number.
E13001The WhatsApp Number is mandatory.
E13001The WhatsApp Number must be a string.
E13001The Country Code is mandatory.
E13001The Country Code value must be a string.
E13001The Name field is mandatory.
E13001The Name value must be a string.
E13001The Path field is mandatory.
E13001The Path value must be
a string.
E13001The OTP value is mandatory.
E13001The OTP value must be a string.
E13001The input for the Body of the request is mandatory.
E13001The Body input must be a string.
E13001The Name of the Template is mandatory.
E13001The Template Name must be a string.
E13001The Parameters must be a list.
E13001The Parameter value must be a string.
E13001The Email Address must be a string.
E13001The Address must be a string.
E13001The Description must be a string.
E13001The Incoming URL must be a string.
E13001The Profile Image URL must be a string.
E13001The Category must be a string.
E13001The Websites must be a list.
E13001The Websites value must be a string.
E13001The From field is mandatory.
E13001The IP Address is mandatory.
E13001The Source field is mandatory.
E13001The Created At field is mandatory.
E13001The Type field is mandatory.
E13001The From value must be a string.
E13001The IP Address must be a string.
E13001The Source value must be a string.
E13001The Created At value must be a string.
E13001The Type value must be a string.
E13001The To must be a list.
E13001The To value must be a string.
E13001Invalid or in-correct Input.
E13002The Package expired or Count not available.
E13003The Package count is not available to process the request.
E13004The Template parameters are not matching.
E13005Invalid template.
E13001The Checksum field is mandatory.
E13001The Checksum value must be a string.
E13008Invalid or in-correct input of the From number.
E13009Invalid or in-correct input of the TO number.
E13090WhatsApp daily limit has been reached. Submission request rejected.
E13010Invalid or in-correct input of the WhatsApp number.
E13011The Template header parameters are not matching.
E13012Invalid Media Content.
E13013Invalid Parameter values.
E13014Failed to upload the Media file.
E13001Unable to process the request.
E413Invalid or In-Correct input for passing HTML tags in parameters.
E413The Body parameter is mandatory.
E413The Sender ID is missing in the request. Include an ID and proceed.
E413The To parameter is missing. Include the parameter, set the value, and re-execute the command.
E413The Campaign name should contain only alphanumeric.
E413Invalid or In-Correct input for passing HTML tags in parameters.
E413The callback URL format is invalid.

Response Error Code and Description to Create Authentication Template

Error CodeDescription
WAE0002OTP type is required for Authentication templates.
WAE0003Invalid value for OTP type.
WAE0005Text fields can have a maximum character limit of 25 characters.
WAE0006Package name is required for Authentication templates with ONE_TAP button.
WAE0007Autofill Text can have a maximum character limit of 25 characters.
WAE0008Signature Hash is required for Authentication templates with ONE_TAP button.
WAE0011Invalid value for add_security_recommendation.
WAE0012code_expiration_minutes value can be a maximum of 90 minutes and minimum of 1 minute.
WAE0013Body and Footer should be set.
WAE0014Header, Sample Body, Sample Media URL, Sample Media File, Sample Header Content are not supported for Authentication templates.
WAE0015Authentication templates must include either a copy code or one-tap autofill button.
WAE0016Body in Authentication templates can only have add_security_recommendation.
WAE0017Footer in Authentication templates can only have code_expiration_minutes.
WAE0018Specify a button type under button_data.
WAE0019Footer should be set in Authentication templates.
WAE0020Body should be set in Authentication templates.
WAE0022param, param_header, media, media_url, param_url fields are not allowed for Authentication templates.

Response Error Code and Description to Send Authentication Template

Error CodeDescription
WAE0021verification_code is required for Authentication templates.

Response Error Code and Description to Create Multi-Product Message (MPM) Template

Error CodeDescription
E1035Text for button type MPM cannot be modified and must always be View items.
E1036Message template button combination not supported.
E1037A header is required for templates with a MPM button.
E1038Text format is supported for header type.

Response Error Code and Description to Send Multi-Product Message (MPM) Template

E13131A Catalog must be linked with the WhatsApp Business Account before sending a MPM message.
E13130Thumbnail Product Retailer Id is required.

Contact us through support@kaleyra.com, if you get an error that is not listed in the above table.