WhatsApp Error Codes
This document provides information about the error codes you would receive when executing the WhatsApp REST APIs.
HTTP Status Code
HTTP Status | Description |
200 | Successful request |
202 | Successful request has been accepted |
400 | Invalid Input, validation failed |
500 | Server Error, unable to process your request |
HTTPS Status Code
3xx Redirection
Status Code | Description |
300 | Multiple Choices. |
301 | Moved Permanently. |
302 | Found (Previously "Moved Temporarily"). |
303 | See Other. |
304 | Not Modified. |
305 | Use Proxy. |
306 | Switch Proxy. |
307 | Temporary Redirect. |
308 | Permanent Redirect. |
4xx Client Error
Status Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
402 | Payment Required. |
403 | Forbidden. |
404 | Not Found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed. |
406 | Not Acceptable. |
407 | Proxy Authentication is Required. |
408 | Request Timeout. |
409 | Conflict. |
410 | Gone. |
411 | Length Required. |
412 | Precondition Failed. |
413 | Payload Too Large. |
414 | URI Too Long. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type. |
416 | Range Not Satisfiable. |
417 | Expectation Failed. |
418 | I'm a Teapot. |
421 | Misdirected Request. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. |
423 | Locked. |
424 | Failed Dependency. |
425 | Too Early. |
426 | Upgrade Required. |
428 | Precondition Required. |
429 | Too Many Requests. |
431 | Request Header Fields Too Large. |
451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons. |
5xx Server Error
Status Code | Description |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
501 | Not Implemented. |
502 | Bad Gateway. |
503 | Service Unavailable. |
504 | Gateway Timeout. |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported. |
506 | Variant Also Negotiates. |
507 | Insufficient Storage. |
508 | Loop Detected. |
510 | Not Extended. |
511 | Network Authentication is Required. |
Response Error Code and Description
Error Code | Description |
E13001 | The list of Message IDs is empty. Enter the list and try again. |
E13001 | The Company ID is missing. Input the ID and re-execute the command. |
E13001 | The User ID is missing. |
E13001 | The Role ID is missing. |
E13001 | The Cert Path value is required. |
E13001 | The Cert Path value must be a string. |
E13001 | The ID value is required. |
E13001 | The ID value must be a number. |
E13001 | The WhatsApp Number is mandatory. |
E13001 | The WhatsApp Number must be a string. |
E13001 | The Country Code is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Country Code value must be a string. |
E13001 | The Name field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Name value must be a string. |
E13001 | The Path field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Path value must be a string. |
E13001 | The OTP value is mandatory. |
E13001 | The OTP value must be a string. |
E13001 | The input for the Body of the request is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Body input must be a string. |
E13001 | The Name of the Template is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Template Name must be a string. |
E13001 | The Parameters must be a list. |
E13001 | The Parameter value must be a string. |
E13001 | The Email Address must be a string. |
E13001 | The Address must be a string. |
E13001 | The Description must be a string. |
E13001 | The Incoming URL must be a string. |
E13001 | The Profile Image URL must be a string. |
E13001 | The Category must be a string. |
E13001 | The Websites must be a list. |
E13001 | The Websites value must be a string. |
E13001 | The From field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The IP Address is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Source field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Created At field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Type field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The From value must be a string. |
E13001 | The IP Address must be a string. |
E13001 | The Source value must be a string. |
E13001 | The Created At value must be a string. |
E13001 | The Type value must be a string. |
E13001 | The To must be a list. |
E13001 | The To value must be a string. |
E13001 | Invalid or in-correct Input. |
E13002 | The Package expired or Count not available. |
E13003 | The Package count is not available to process the request. |
E13004 | The Template parameters are not matching. |
E13005 | Invalid template. |
E13001 | The Checksum field is mandatory. |
E13001 | The Checksum value must be a string. |
E13008 | Invalid or in-correct input of the From number. |
E13009 | Invalid or in-correct input of the TO number. |
E13090 | WhatsApp daily limit has been reached. Submission request rejected. |
E13010 | Invalid or in-correct input of the WhatsApp number. |
E13011 | The Template header parameters are not matching. |
E13012 | Invalid Media Content. |
E13013 | Invalid Parameter values. |
E13014 | Failed to upload the Media file. |
E13001 | Unable to process the request. |
E413 | Invalid or In-Correct input for passing HTML tags in parameters. |
E413 | The Body parameter is mandatory. |
E413 | The Sender ID is missing in the request. Include an ID and proceed. |
E413 | The To parameter is missing. Include the parameter, set the value, and re-execute the command. |
E413 | The Campaign name should contain only alphanumeric. |
E413 | Invalid or In-Correct input for passing HTML tags in parameters. |
E413 | The callback URL format is invalid. |
Response Error Code and Description to Create Authentication Template
Error Code | Description |
WAE0002 | OTP type is required for Authentication templates. |
WAE0003 | Invalid value for OTP type. |
WAE0005 | Text fields can have a maximum character limit of 25 characters. |
WAE0006 | Package name is required for Authentication templates with ONE_TAP button. |
WAE0007 | Autofill Text can have a maximum character limit of 25 characters. |
WAE0008 | Signature Hash is required for Authentication templates with ONE_TAP button. |
WAE0011 | Invalid value for add_security_recommendation. |
WAE0012 | code_expiration_minutes value can be a maximum of 90 minutes and minimum of 1 minute. |
WAE0013 | Body and Footer should be set. |
WAE0014 | Header, Sample Body, Sample Media URL, Sample Media File, Sample Header Content are not supported for Authentication templates. |
WAE0015 | Authentication templates must include either a copy code or one-tap autofill button. |
WAE0016 | Body in Authentication templates can only have add_security_recommendation. |
WAE0017 | Footer in Authentication templates can only have code_expiration_minutes. |
WAE0018 | Specify a button type under button_data. |
WAE0019 | Footer should be set in Authentication templates. |
WAE0020 | Body should be set in Authentication templates. |
WAE0022 | param, param_header, media, media_url, param_url fields are not allowed for Authentication templates. |
Response Error Code and Description to Send Authentication Template
Error Code | Description |
WAE0021 | verification_code is required for Authentication templates. |
Response Error Code and Description to Create Multi-Product Message (MPM) Template
Error Code | Description |
E1035 | Text for button type MPM cannot be modified and must always be View items. |
E1036 | Message template button combination not supported. |
E1037 | A header is required for templates with a MPM button. |
E1038 | Text format is supported for header type. |
Response Error Code and Description to Send Multi-Product Message (MPM) Template
E13131 | A Catalog must be linked with the WhatsApp Business Account before sending a MPM message. |
E13130 | Thumbnail Product Retailer Id is required. |
Contact us through [email protected], if you get an error that is not listed in the above table.
Updated about 1 year ago