Email (API and GW)
Email June 26, 2023
New Feature
- The Email channel widget now available on lets you access the Email Logs page. After logging into, users with an activated Email channel for their account will be able to see the Email widget.
To enable the Email channel for your account, reach out to the Kaleyra Support team.
Bug Fix
- Using incorrect dynamic parameter names in the subject, text, or html body, now return invalid input errors in Send Email and Create Template API response.
Previous Release Notes
Email June 6, 2023
- Supported Dynamic Variables in the Callback Profile API POST request body.
- Support of Click To Open Ratio on Dynamic URL Shortener in Send Email APIs and Template html body.
- The tag parameter is made optional in all send Email APIs request body.
- A company ID configuration was added in the kmailer service configuration file, so Click To Open Ratio will not be supported for the company ID specified in the configuration.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue with the from_name parameter where Arabic language content was not supported in all Send Email APIs.
- Corrected an issue where the URL Shortener token was not generated for all batches of requests in the Send Email batch API.
- Corrected an issue where the message_id was not showing counts in URL Shortener API Logs while using multiple recipients in the Send Email APIs body.
Email May 15, 2023
- Enhanced Logs API URL to support Search Parameter and Pagination functionality.
- Enhanced Send Email APIs and Logs API to support the type of the Email (TXN, OTP, and MKT) using the type field.
- Supported Click To Open Ratio (CTOR) on URL Shortener in Send Email APIs html body.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue where the page parameter validation was not working in the correct order in the Logs API.
- Corrected an issue where the type field validation was made as a non-mandatory field in all Send Email APIs.
- Corrected an issue where the URL Shortener format was not validated in the Email html body.
Email April 25, 2023
- Logs API now returns only the latest status for each log. For more information refer to Get stats and Get logs in email API.
- You can now use “_”(underscore) and “-”(hyphen) characters for template_name during the creation and validation of APIs. For more information refer to Use templates in email API.
- When sending email messages through API, you can now use three additional optional parameters ref, ref1, and ref2 to add any relevant metadata for your business. These parameter values will be visible in the reports.
Email April 3, 2023
- Added Template name restriction to allow only alphanumeric values when creating or updating a request.
- Removed Processed and Submission statuses and added Accepted status in the Logs request API.
Email March 13, 2023
- Enhanced Email APIs to support dynamic content in Email subjects.
- Added Email Content Limit (Text+Html+Attachments) size of 20 MB.
Bug Fix
- Corrected an issue where the from address length was less than 4 characters.
Email February 22, 2023
- Email API now supports up to 20 MB of raw attachment content that does not need to be encoded before sending the email.
Bug Fix
- Corrected an issue for email logs API which has toMail with + symbol (Example: [email protected]).
Updated over 1 year ago