Media Messages
JSON Samples
Sample 1: Image

Changes to be made to the below code snippet:
- Link to image URL
("media_url" key)
- Caption text
("caption" key)
interactive:{"type":"media","media_url":"","caption":"Image Caption"}
Sample 2 : Audio

Changes to be made to the below code snippet: :
- Link to audio URL
("media_url" key)
Sample 3: Video

Changes to be made to the below code snippet:
- Link to video URL
("media_url" key)
- Caption text
("caption" key)
interactive:{"type":"media","media_url":"","caption":"Video Caption"}
Sample 4: Document

Changes to be made to the below code snippet:
- Link to document URL
("media_url" key)
- Caption text
("caption" key)
interactive:{"type":"media","media_url":"","caption":"Document Caption"}
Updated over 1 year ago