Kaleyra.io Voice plays a significant role in creating a great customer experience with the most secure and scalable voice calling capabilities. You can launch IVR support with our simple, intuitive Flowbuilder or run voice campaigns in just a few simple steps.
The Call Masking feature allows you to safeguard your customer identity and prevent misuse of sensitive information. The Click to Call feature enables effective business communication by providing quicker means to connect with your customers, thereby helping you effectively engage with them, address their problems, and remove obstacles to a seamless communication process.
Kaleyra Voice Feature
Subscribe to Voice capable numbers
Subscribe to different types of phone numbers for making Voice calls depending on the business needs.Kaleyra offers a variety of numbers:
Toll-free - These numbers can be dialed by the end-customers for free of cost. Toll-free is only Voice incoming capable.
Mobile - It is a virtual phone number with a range of 7 to 15 digits that can be used to make voice calls from remote locations. These numbers are Voice incoming and outgoing capable.
Fixed Line - Fixed line numbers are the numbers that have specific area codes. These numbers are Voice incoming and outgoing capable.
Making and receiving calls
Kaleyra offers a list of public APIs using which you can make outgoing calls, run campaigns, or connect to customers over a call.The Outbound Calling (OBD) API can be configured to make outbound calls. Refer to Outbound Calling API for more information.
Use Click to Call API to connect to customers in real-time. Refer to Click to Call API for more information.
IVR flows via FlowBuilder
Create automated Interactive Voice Response flows using drag and drop widgets using flowbuilder for customers to interact with the menu system.Forward the incoming calls to an agent/executive using the call forward widget. Refer to FlowBuilder for more information.
Text to Speech
Convert text into life-like speech across multiple languages with different speech rates.You can use text to speech for OBD campaigns, to play an automated message to customers like Welcome message or Menu options.
Kaleyra supports English (US, Indian), Italian and Spanish languages. Refer to Text-to-Speech for more information.
Sound Manager
Play a customer sound file of your choice with the help of our Sound Manager. Upload and maintain all your sound files in one place.Use these uploaded sound files in your OBD and incoming calls for multiple purposes such as playing a sound for customers on hold. Refer to Sound Manager for more information.
Callback for voice call events
Enable callbacks from Callback Profile to receive data when an event is triggered. An event can be a call dial, call answer, keypress, or call completion.Create and configure these callback profiles in outgoing, click-to-call, and incoming calls for the triggered events. Refer to Callback for voice call events for more information.
Click to Call
The Click to Call option is now available on the application. You can initiate calls between two parties via both the application and the API. Refer to Click to Call API for more information.Call Recording
Record the incoming calls or the call being forwarded for training or monitoring purposes.Call recording can be done for either mono or dual channel.
Call Data Insights
Voice Call Logs
View all the call-related data in the Call log section. This data includes call type, call from, call to, call status, billing, and other important information. Note: The logs can contain only data for the last 7 days from the current date. To view data beyond 7 days, generate and download reports. Refer to Logs for more information.Reports
Generate and download reports for a requested date range.Choose from the Summary report and Detailed report for a better look at the generated data. Refer to Reports for more information.
Flowbuilder related Logs
View all the flow-related data in the Flow logs section. This data includes flow that was executed, trigger type, execution date, status, and many more.For more detailed logs, head to step-wise logs on the right of each log entry that will contain widgets executed, time of the execution, the status of the widget, and many more.
Getting Started with Kaleyra.io Voice
To get started with Kaleyra.io Voice, perform the below steps:
Step 1: Numbers
Step 2: Adding Credits
Step 3: Click to Call
Step 4: Logs
Step 5: Reports
Visit our Voice Page to know more about the feature and its benefits.
For information related to Voice API, see Voice API Overview.
Updated over 1 year ago