WhatsApp March 11, 2024
- The WhatsApp Logs page is enhanced by introducing internal rejection status as 'not sent' for the messages that failed inside kaleyra.io (before sending to Meta).
If a message fails at the API level, the message status is saved as 'not sent' and the same is reflected in the WhatsApp Logs page.
An appropriate error code and the reason for ‘not sent’ will be sent as a part of callback. - WhatsApp API now supports creating and sending of templates with two URL buttons.
While using an API, you can use the two URL buttons to load the specified URLs in the device's default web browser, when the app user taps the URL buttons.
Previous Release Notes
WhatsApp October 30, 2023
- A new flow is introduced on the Kaleyra.io's WhatsApp channel to enable customers to directly add new numbers to Meta from an existing WABA and this in turn adds the customers’ new numbers directly to the Cloud API.
This way, the new feature enables faster addition of new numbers and faster availability on the WhatsApp channel without the intervention of the Kaleyra support team.
Also, introduced an improved, accurate, and an efficient registration of numbers in the embedded signup process and overcome the problem of customers having to sign in to the Meta portal to add every number. - Support the newly introduced ‘Address Message’ API from Meta as the API offers the end users, a simpler way to share the shipping address with the business users on WhatsApp. On Kaleyra.io, the ‘Logs’ page reflects a new format as the address format for such free-form messages.
WhatsApp October 11, 2023
Bug Fix
Corrected an issue where the footer content was not included in the response of the Get WhatsApp Template Details API.
WhatsApp August 28, 2023
- New restrictions are added to the WhatsApp service to ensure that WABA ID can not be added to multiple Kaleyra.io accounts.
- Kaleyra.io’s APIs for WhatsApp now support all characters supported by Meta (WhatsApp) for header and body parameters.
WhatsApp August 7, 2023
- On Kaleyra.io, while creating a WhatsApp template, a new option has been introduced that enables customers to allow or prevent Meta from recategorizing the template categories as per Meta's guidelines. This user interface informs the customer that allowing may prevent the template from being rejected.
WhatsApp July 4, 2023
- A new configuration has been introduced in the WhatsApp API with the following features:
- It enables you to set a limit for the number of messages that you can send to your customers using the WhatsApp account per day.
- If the number of messages exceeds the configured limit by the WhatsApp account per day, then those messages will not be sent and they will be rejected by Kaleyra.io.
- The rejected messages will be displayed on the Channels > WhatsApp card > Manage > Analytics > Logs screen indicating the reason for failure.
WhatsApp June 5, 2023
- URL Shortener now part of the WhatsApp template body allows tracking reports to track Click-To-Open-Ratio.
WhatsApp June 1, 2023
- According to Meta, WhatsApp's new pricing changes include three new conversation categories—Marketing, Authentication, and Utility replacing the previous Business-Initiated conversations. The existing User-Initiated conversation is now renamed to Service conversations.
- On Kaleyra.io, the WhatsApp logs page now displayed new conversation categories such as Marketing, Authentication, Service, and Utility. Also, new UI changes are introduced for improved categorization of incoming and outgoing messages.
- Based on Meta's guidelines, Kaleyra has set restrictions to prevent the creation of Authentication templates with one-time passwords for businesses based in India.
WhatsApp May 15, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the WABA ID creation issue that occurred while creating templates on the Kaleyra.io account. This is done by adding an additional type check while accessing the request body for validation to ensure free-form requests are passed while processing media templates.
- Fixed the issue of a five-minute delay in image delivery while uploading images using the Kaleyra API.
WhatsApp April 24, 2023
- While viewing templates, the information text icon next to the migrated template category now displays older template categories.
- While creating templates using API, you can now use sample media URLs. For more information refer to the Create WhatsApp Template with Sample Media API.
- Additional parameters such as ref, ref1, and ref2 from WhatsApp API are now returned through the callback to be available in the callback profile.
- WhatsApp Template Status API now provides header details, the body of the template, footer details, and button details. For more information refer to the Get WhatsApp Template Status API.
- Kaleyra.io now displays a similar category information text icon against status.
Bug Fixes
- Prevent redirect for numbers page when WhatsApp card is in inactive or in pending status.
- Messages are now displayed properly in the Conversation tab for location, contact, and list for cloud API numbers.
- The maximum length for a Quick Reply button while uploading a WhatsApp template on Kaleyra.io is now 25 characters aligned with Meta.
WhatsApp April 3, 2023
- Message rating is now correctly displayed as Unlimited when there is TIER_NOT_SET on the Meta side.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue where WhatsApp messages are now processed using a CSV file if there are no values set for the variables.
- Corrected an issue where Campaign status was inconsistent.
WhatsApp March 27, 2023
- WhatsApp supports Meta’s newly launched Authentication, Marketing, and Utility template categories on both Kaleyra.io and API. Also, supports editing of migrated templates as per the existing feature using Kaleyra.io.
- From April 1st to April 24th, 2023 templates submitted with old categories will be auto-mapped to the new categories by Kaleyra before submission to Meta. For more information regarding the template category changes, see the WhatsApp Template Category page.
WhatsApp March 20, 2022
- Upgraded WhatsApp's on-premise business API to V2.45.1.
- It is now mandatory to add sample for dynamic values while submitting non-media templates on Kaleyra.io. This minimizes media template rejections.
- It is now mandatory to add samples while submitting media templates on Kaleyra.io. This minimizes media template rejections.
WhatsApp March 13, 2023
- Enabled Webhook notifications for changing the template status.
- Live templates can now be edited on the Edit Template page on Kaleyra.io. You can edit templates with status approved, submission_rejected, and rejected templates.
- Upgraded the WhatsApp API Version to 2.43 for WhatsApp on-premise business API.
WhatsApp August 8, 2022
New Features
- Introduced the "add sample media message template" to enable the media template from Kaleyra.io, which enables businesses to get the approval of the media template faster and helps to reduce the operation ticket size.
- Enabled the Webhook so that the customer can receive an immediate notification about the template approval and rejection status, the phone quality rating, and the messaging tier limit.
- Supported the referral parameter in the media URL.
- Starting from this release, only OTP, TRANSACTIONAL, and MARKETING values are supported for category parameters for creating new templates.
- Enabled the account name and sender country parameters in the report for the Middle East customer.
Updated 10 months ago