Core Services
Core April 22, 2024
- On, now the Receive Message module is enabled for Reseller Sub-accounts. Reseller Sub-accounts can subscribe to Numbers, configure them as recipient numbers, and allow their end customers to reply to those numbers.
Previous Release Notes
Core February 19, 2024
New Feature
On, the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature is introduced which is by default applied when the customer logs in to the account. The OTP is sent to the registered mobile number of the customer. However, the customer can disable 2FA from the Settings page on application.
The following enhancements have been made to increase the account's security:
- The Mandatory OTP verification step in the following scenarios:
- When any customer (Owner or Team Member) changes the account password.
- When the Owner of tries to disable the 2FA from the application.
- When Login is attempted after one week of inactivity.
- When a Login request originates from a different IP than the last IP address.
- New alert emails are triggered to the registered email ID when:
- Concurrent active sessions are detected.
- Login activity is detected after 30 days of inactivity.
- Login attempt is detected from a different IP address than the last one used.
Core January 29, 2023
New Feature
- The account password will reset the password expire after 90 days from the last reset password date. You will get reminder emails with a link to reset the password before it expires.
All the existing accounts with passwords older than 90 days, will receive an email notifying about the auto-expiry of the account password.
- On, the design of the Settings module has been updated without any changes to the existing features.
- On, the Callback Profiles option has been moved from the Settings module to the user profile drop-down list.
Core December 11, 2023
- On, the Receive Message feature is now available for Enterprise Sub-accounts. For more information, see the Receive Message page.
Core November 20, 2023
- Now, allows the Parent Accounts to resend invitations to their Sub-accounts.
Core October 11, 2023
- customers can now add team members with Support roles. This role is suitable for customer support representatives who need to track communication efficiency, download reports, and troubleshoot message delivery.
- customers can now add team members with the Communication Manager role. This role is suitable for those who focus only on creating engagement scenarios and launching campaigns.
Core April 24, 2023
- On, if account login access is restricted to specific IP addresses/ranges, then the restriction is now applied to both the owner and all team members of such an account.
Core April 3, 2023
New Feature
- account owners can now restrict the account login access to specific IP addresses/ranges. In this case, the login requests from other IP addresses get rejected. However, this restriction does not apply to team members of such accounts.
- The public APIs are now available to create/manage subaccounts. For more information, see the Platform APIs page.
Core March 13, 2023
- On, now a Parent account can share their IP configurations with their Subaccounts to use.
To enable this feature contact Kaleyra Support team.
Core February 20, 2023
- On, any Postpaid Parent Account can now create Subaccounts with Shared Usage as a credit type. A Subaccount on Shared Usage is free to utilize within the Parent's Monthly Credit Limit.
To enable this feature contact Kaleyra Support team.
Core January 9, 2023
- A new tabular report has been introduced for Chatbot to get insights into the published Chatbots.
Core November 23, 2022
- You can now whitelist one or more IP ranges for an API key instead of just a list of specific IP addresses.
- Parent Accounts can now schedule an SMS Summary Report of their Sub-accounts to a list of email addresses at a specified frequency. For example, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- The following new columns have been added to the SMS Summary Report of all the Sub-accounts:
- Date
- Sender ID
- Campaign Name
- Destination Country
- Status
- Status Trace
For more information regardng the SMS Summary Report, refer to the Understanding SMS Summary Reports documentation.
Core November 2, 2022
- The format of the SMS Summary Report has been changed from PDF to CSV in this release. To provide additional insights, the following new columns have been added to the SMS Summary Report:
- Date
- Campaign Name
- Destination Country
- Status
- The WABA ID used by customers to send or receive messages has been added to WhatsApp Summary and Tabular Reports.
Core October 10, 2022
The format of the Subaccounts SMS summary report has been changed from PDF to CSV and a new 'Destination Country' column has been added to the report.
Core September 19, 2022
- The Campaign and the SMS dashboards have been enhanced by providing a more accurate and precise breakdown of the SMS statuses.
- A new column called 'Display Name' has been added to the WhatsApp Tabular report and the Summary reports, so the customers can see the business name associated with the sender's phone number.
Core August 29, 2022
New Feature
Customers can now request for a new message-based WhatsApp Summary report to easily analyze the performance of their messages.
Core August 8, 2022
- Customers can now request a WhatsApp summary report in which the data is aggregated by Date.
- Customers can now request a WhatsApp tabular report that contains the conversation details for each message.
Core July 18, 2022
- Customers can now request a WhatsApp tabular or summary report that contains data across all of their Business Phone Numbers.
- When requesting a WhatsApp tabular or summary report, customers can filter the data by one or more Business Phone Numbers.
- When requesting a WhatsApp summary report, customers can filter the data by one or more Session Types.
Core June 27, 2022
New Feature
- The Subaccounts module allows customers to manage different departments/teams/branches within an organization from a single account. At the moment, only the SMS channel can be enabled for Subaccounts.
- Improved the format of the WhatsApp tabular and summary reports, now you can download them on The WhatsApp summary report provides information on the number of sessions opened and the amount spent, while the WhatsApp tabular report contains the full list of messages that have been sent or received by the customer.
- The generated SMS and WhatsApp summary reports are now asynchronous to avoid issues when the volume of data is really large.
Updated 11 months ago