WhatsApp Summary Reports

WhatsApp summary reports provide a summary of the overall WhatsApp messages or conversations. For example, on a particular day how many messages were sent, how many were failed, how many were delivered, how much amount was charged or how many conversations have been opened and how much they have been charged, and so on.

The Summary Report is classified into the following two types of reports:

WhatsApp Summary Report for Messages

The WhatsApp Summary-Messages report helps you in the performance analysis of the messages. For example, how many messages get delivered or failed, read by the WhatsApp message recipient, and many more. Overall, this report displays the complete journey of WhatsApp messages from a message being submitted to the platform to the message being submitted to the platform received and seen by the recipient.

The Summary Report for Messages contains the following details:

Column TitleDescriptionExample
DATEDate when the WhatsApp message is submitted initiated by an active WhatsApp number.Nov 25, 2022
WABA IDWhatsApp Business Account ID.5XXXXXXXXXXXXX6
WA PHONE NUMBERApproved WhatsApp phone number through which the message is sent or received.6XXXXXXXXXX3
DISPLAY NAMEName that appears to the users. The Business Name associated with the WABA.KLR Test
COUNTRYEnd user's country. In the case of outgoing messages, this is the destination country. In the case of incoming messages, this is the country of the end user from where a message is sent to you.United States of America
MESSAGE TYPEIndicates whether a WhatsApp message is incoming (users sending a message to you), outgoing (you are sending a message to the user as free text), or template (you have sent a message to the recipient using a template).Outgoing conversation message
CREATEDThe total number of messages intended to be sent. Incoming messages will never have a value under this column.2
FAILEDThe total number of messages that failed to be delivered to the recipient. It includes the WhatsApp messages that failed at the application level or at the Meta level. Incoming messages will never have a value under this column.0
SENTThe number of messages that are actually sent to the Meta server to be sent to the final recipient. Incoming messages will never have a value under this column. Note: There could be a reason for messages failing while getting delivered to the recipient numbers once a message is initiated from the Meta server. These failed messages are counted in the Failed column.2
DELIVEREDThe number of messages that get delivered to the recipients. Incoming messages will never have a value under this column.2
READThe number of messages that are read by the recipients. Incoming messages will never have a value under this column.2
RECEIVEDThe number of messages received from an end-user to your WhatsApp business number. This column is only applicable when the Message Type column has incoming messages.-

WhatsApp Summary Report for Conversations

The WhatsApp Summary-Conversations report enables you to get the total number of conversations initiated from the WhatsApp number, the amount charged for conversations, and many more.

The Summary Report for Conversations contains the following details:

Column TitleDescriptionExample
DATEDate when the WhatsApp conversation is initiated.Nov 25, 2022
WABA IDWhatsApp Business Account ID.6XXXXXXXXXXXXX5
WA PHONE NUMBERApproved WhatsApp Phone Number through which you send or receive messages.3XXXXXXXXXX6
DISPLAY NAMEName that appears to the users. The Business Name associated with the WABA.KLR Test
COUNTRYEnd user's country.India
CONVERSATION CATEGORYDisplays the Conversation Category of the message such as Marketing, Utility, Authentication, Service, and Free Entry Point.User-initiated
FREE TIERWhatsApp provides the first 1000k service conversations that are free. If the conversation is within this limit, it appears as Yes or else No (if crosses the free tier and it is chargeable).Yes
NUMBER OF SESSIONSThe total number of conversations initiated for WhatsApp Phone Number having the country, same conversations type, and free tier values on the given date.1
AMOUNT ($)For referral conversations, the conversations are not charged. For Free Tier, the amount will be zero. Except that all other WhatsApp conversations are chargeable based on country, conversation type, and the overall number of conversations.0