Send a Media Template Message through WhatsApp
POST Method
- Sign up for free
Before you get started, Create an API Key. To view the API Key and the SID, see View API Key and SID.
- Pre-requisites
Below listed are the pre-requisites for using Kalyera WhatsApp API’s
- A WhatsApp business number.
- An associated profile with the business number.
- A WhatsApp verified and approved profile.
For more details, read what WhatsApp has to say about creating a business account.
- Send a media template message
You can use the below API’s to send a media template message via WhatsApp account
Request Format
cURL -X POST "<SID>/messages" \
-H "Content-Type: <CONTENT_TYPE>" \
-H "api-key:<API_KEY>" \
-d "from=<FROM_NUMBER>" \
-d "to=<TO_NUMBER>" \
-d "type=<MESSAGE_TYPE>" \
-d "channel=<CHANNEL_NAME>" \
-d "template_name=<TEMPLATE_NAME>" \
-d "param_header=<TEMPLATE_HEADER>" \
-d "media=<MEDIA_FILE>" \
-d "callback_url=<CALLBACK_URL>"
-d "param_url=<PARAMETER_URL>"
-d "media_url=<MEDIA_URL>"
Sample Request Format - media_url
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json ' \
--form 'to="+XXXXXXXXXXXX"' \
--form 'type="mediatemplate"' \
--form 'params="\"A\",\"B\""' \
--form 'template_name="temp_test_1"' \
--form 'channel="whatsapp"' \
--form 'from="+XXXXXXXXXXXX"' \
--form 'media_url=""'
Sample Request Format - media
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json ' \
--form 'to="+XXXXXXXXXXXX"' \
--form 'type="mediatemplate"' \
--form 'params="\"A\",\"B\""' \
--form 'template_name="temp_test_1"' \
--form 'channel="whatsapp"' \
--form 'from="+XXXXXXXXXXXX"' \
--form 'media=@"/Users/John.Quill/Downloads/download (1).png"'
Replace the placeholders above with relevant values as mentioned below.
Replace | With | Examples | Mandatory? |
SID | Account SID (Security Identifier). Generated by while creating an API key. | HXXXXXXX071US | True |
CONTENT_TYPE | The format in which the data is sent. | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | True |
API_KEY | Your API Key generated by | Ac4XXXXX21f | True |
FROM_NUMBER | The number registered with WhatsApp business from which the message is to be sent. Ensure that the country code is prefixed to the number. (E164 format). | +1202XXXXXXX | True |
TO_NUMBER | A valid WhatsApp number of the recipient. Ensure that the country code is prefixed to the number. (E164 format). Note: You can add multiple recipients, separate each number using the comma (,) delimiter. | +1202XXXXXXX | True |
MESSAGE_TYPE | Message format of the message to be sent. For details on the formats supported, read Messaging on WhatsApp Business. | mediatemplate | True |
CHANNEL_NAME | Channel on which message must be sent. | True | |
TEMPLATE_NAME | Name of the WhatsApp media template that was created in the portal. This name must be approved by WhatsApp before you start using this API. | booking_confirm | True |
TEMPLATE_HEADER | Title/Subject of the header | True | |
TEMPLATE_BODY_PARAMETERS | The values that you will pass when you want to send a message using the template. Since the values are dynamic, it must be passed through the key. Multiple parameters are allowed that must be separated with a comma. For a template that says: Hi your booking id is for date the params to be passed would be <id_number>, . | "param1","param" | True |
MEDIA_FILE | The location of the media file that will be embedded in the message. Ensure you upload only the formats supported. Refer to Messaging on WhatsApp Business for more details. | @/C:/Users/company_A/Downloads/videoplayback.mp4 | True |
CALLBACK_URL | The URL that should send information to when your number receives a response. This URL can be accessed publicly. Click here for an example. | False | |
PARAM_URL | The values that are set dynamically in a page's URL, and can be accessed by its template and its data sources. | Login | False |
MEDIA_URL | The media URL should be public and have a file extension. Note: URL path is supported for image/video/media instead of uploading it. If both media and media_url are passed in API request, then only "media_url" will be considered. | | True |
- Response Format
"id": "6e77bc24-fc4f-4c87-945f-12990d7342ef",
"type": "mediatemplate",
"createdDateTime": "2020-01-29 06:23:44+00:00",
"totalCount": 1,
"data": [
"message_id": "6e77bc24-fc4f-4c87-945f-12990d7342ef:0",
"recipient": "1202XXXXXXX"
"error": {}
Failure Response
"code": "E438",
"message": " For the type text you cannot send media URL.",
"data": [],
"error": {
"type": " For the type text you cannot send media URL."
"code": "E420",
"message": " For the type template, media or body fields are not allowed.",
"data": [],
"error": {
"type": "For the type template, media or body fields are not allowed."
Error Codes
The below table provides information about the error codes you would receive when executing the WhatsApp Media Template Message API.
Error Code | Parameter | Description |
E13008 | from_invalid | Invalid or in-correct input of the From number. |
E13009 | to_invalid | Invalid or in-correct input of the TO number. |
E13004 | template_params | The Template params are not matching. |
E13005 | template_name_missmatch | Invalid template. |
In case of error, ensure that the above replaceable values are correct. See Standard Error Codes
Updated 10 months ago