Response Codes and Statuses
This topic provides information about the response codes and statuses you would receive when executing the Subaccount APIs.
Response Codes and Statuses for Creating Subaccounts
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC103 | Request executed successfully. | 201 |
RBC2316 | Parent Allowed Usage is less than Initial Credit. | 400 |
RBC2317 | Parent Balance is less than Initial Credit. | 400 |
RBC2318 | Request body cannot be empty. | 400 |
RBC2319 | Low Balance Alert Limit and Low Balance Alert Emails are required to use Low Balance Alert. | 400 |
RBC2320 | Error Occured in Rbac Register Wrapper API. | 400 |
RBC2321 | Invalid Customer Type ID for Subaccount. | 400 |
RBC2322 | Subaccount must have your same email domain. | 400 |
RBC2323 | Parent Balance not available from Billing API. | 400 |
RBC2326 | Invalid customer_type_id for Parent account. | 400 |
RBC2328 | Incorrect country. If your Subaccount’s country is in Europe/America region, please contact support. | 400 |
RBC2329 | Incorrect country. | 400 |
RBC2330 | Subaccount country is mandatory. | 400 |
RBC2331 | Monthly limit cannot be zero. | 400 |
RBC2332 | Monthly limit should be a valid number and cannot be decimal. | 400 |
RBC2333 | Low balance alert limit should be a number. | 400 |
RBC2334 | Initial credit amount should be a number. | 400 |
RBC2335 | Please enter valid low balance alert emails. | 400 |
RBC2336 | Low balance alert emails should be an array of strings only. | 400 |
RBC2337 | Channels have to be an array of strings only. | 400 |
RBC2338 | Please enter valid channels only. | 400 |
RBC2340 | You can only have a maximum of 10 low balance email ids. | 400 |
RBC2341 | You cannot have duplicate low balance email ids. | 400 |
RBC2345 | Initial credit amount has to be specified when credit type is Assigned. | 400 |
RBC2346 | Please use valid subaccount_credit_type. | 400 |
RBC2348 | Parent cannot have shared usage type subaccount. | 400 |
RBC2352 | Low balance fields is not applicable for Shared Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2353 | Monthly limit is not applicable for Assigned Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2354 | Credit amount is not applicable for Shared Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2355 | Account name cannot have special characters. | 400 |
RBC2358 | Please enter a valid Country ISO code. | 400 |
RBC2360 | Monthly limit field is not present. | 400 |
RBC2362 | Parent cannot have a subaccount with monthly limit. | 400 |
RBC2364 | Subaccount with the same name already exists. | 400 |
RBC2365 | Parent cannot share IP configuration with subaccount. | 400 |
RBC2366 | IP config name cannot be empty. | 400 |
RBC2367 | IP config name does not exist under the parent. | 400 |
RBC2368 | Credit Amount / Monthly Usage Limit cannot be higher than Max. Usable Amount by Parent. | 400 |
RBC2369 | Parent cannot have assigned budget type subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC422 | Access Denied! Unauthorized action! | 401 |
RBC500 | Error in fetching properties. | 500 |
RBC500 | Internal Server Error. | 500 |
Response Codes and Statuses for Getting All Subaccounts Detail
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC103 | Request successfully executed! | 200 |
RBC302 | Error Occured in getting subaccounts via API! | 400 |
RBC422 | Access Denied! Unauthorized action! | 401 |
Response Codes and Statuses for Getting Subaccount Details
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC103 | Request successfully executed! | 200 |
RBC528 | Parent company ID is a mandatory field. | 400 |
RBC302 | Error Occured in getting subaccounts via API! | 400 |
RBC422 | Access Denied! Unauthorized action! | 401 |
Response Codes and Statuses for Editing and Updating Subaccount Details and Subaccount Status
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC011 | Subaccount status already updated! | 200 |
RBC103 | Subaccount Edited Successfully. | 200 |
RBC002 | Your account has been suspended or deleted. | 400 |
RBC2318 | Request body cannot be empty. | 400 |
RBC2319 | Low Balance Alert Limit and Low Balance Alert Emails are required to use Low Balance Alert. | 400 |
RBC2327 | API Key and SID do not belong to parent company. | 400 |
RBC2331 | Monthly limit cannot be zero. | 400 |
RBC2332 | Monthly limit should be a valid number and cannot be decimal. | 400 |
RBC2333 | Low balance alert limit should be a number. | 400 |
RBC2334 | Credit amount should be a number. | 400 |
RBC2335 | Please enter valid low balance alert emails. | 400 |
RBC2336 | Low balance alert emails should be an array of strings only. | 400 |
RBC2337 | Channels have to be an array of strings only. | 400 |
RBC2338 | Please enter valid channels only. | 400 |
RBC2339 | Invalid status! | 400 |
RBC2340 | You can only have a maximum of 10 low balance email ids. | 400 |
RBC2341 | You cannot have duplicate low balance email ids. | 400 |
RBC2352 | Low balance fields is not applicable for Shared Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2353 | Monthly limit is not applicable for Assigned Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2354 | Credit amount is not applicable for Shared Usage subaccounts. | 400 |
RBC2355 | Account name cannot have special characters. | 400 |
RBC2357 | One or more fields cannot be edited. | 400 |
RBC2359 | Credit amount cannot be negative. | 400 |
RBC2361 | Return budget is not applicable when the account is active. | 400 |
RBC2362 | Parent cannot have a subaccount with monthly limit. | 400 |
RBC2363 | Credit amount should be a number. | 400 |
RBC2364 | Subaccount with the same name already exists. | 400 |
RBC2368 | Credit Amount / Monthly Usage Limit cannot be higher than Max. Usable Amount by Parent. | 400 |
RBC2327 | API Key and SID do not belong to parent company. | 401 |
RBC302 | Error Occured in Edit Subaccount API! | 500 |
Response Codes and Statuses for Deleting Subaccounts
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC011 | Subaccount status already updated. | 200 |
RBC2347 | Account deleted successfully! | 200 |
RBC302 | Some Error Occurred. | 400 |
RBC2344 | Invalid SID. | 400 |
RBC422 | Access Denied! Unauthorized action! | 401 |
RBC500 | Internal Server Error. | 500 |
Response Codes and Statuses for Recharging Subaccounts
Code | Message | HTTP Status |
RBC2349 | Account recharged successfully! | 200 |
RBC002 | Your account has been suspended or deleted. | 400 |
RBC302 | The Subaccount has insufficient balance. | 400 |
RBC401 | ID field is mandatory. | 400 |
RBC2342 | Amount has to be a numeric value. | 400 |
RBC2343 | Amount is required. | 400 |
RBC2356 | Shared usage type subaccount cannot be recharged. | 400 |
RBC422 | Access Denied! Unauthorized action! | 401 |
Updated over 1 year ago