List the Subscribed Numbers

GET Method allows you to list all the numbers subscribed by an account using this API.

Base URL


API Domain and Value


API Request to List the Numbers Subscribed by a User

To get the list of numbers subscribed by a user on the platform, use the <api_domain>/v1/<sid>/number/subscriptions endpoint with the following request method:

Request Format

The following is the request format to get the list of numbers subscribed by a user on the platform:

curl -X GET 'https://<api_domain>/v1/<sid>/number/subscriptions' \
  -H 'api-key: <api-key>'

Sample Request Format

The following is the sample request format to get the list of numbers subscribed by a user on the platform:

curl -X GET '' \
  -H 'api-key: Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3'

URL Parameters and Headers

Following is the list of parameters and headers to send the API request:

HeadersData TypeDescriptionExampleMandatory?
sidStringAccount SID (Security Identifier).HXAP16XXXXXX97INYes
api-keyStringAPI key generated from account.Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3Yes

Response Format

This section provides you the success and failure JSON response formats for different scenarios.

Success Response

The following success response is received when the JSON script has the correct syntax with status code 200 OK:

    "code": "CLE402",
    "message": "Request executed successfully",
    "data": [
            "number": "918061xxxxxx",
            "capabilities": [
            "iso_code": "IN",
            "number_type": "Fixed Line",
            "number_status": "Active",
            "monthly_recurring_cost": 18.3532,
            "setup_cost": 166.8471,
            "start_date": "2024-08-13",
            "end_date": "2024-11-11",
            "subscription_id": "SG_faxxxxe1-9xx7-4xxc-axx1-83xxxxxxxx73",
            "currency_code": "INR"
            "number": "918061xxxxxx",
            "capabilities": [
            "iso_code": "IN",
            "number_type": "Fixed Line",
            "number_status": "Active",
            "monthly_recurring_cost": 97.7688,
            "setup_cost": 162.948,
            "start_date": "2024-06-12",
            "end_date": "2024-10-12",
            "subscription_id": "SG_84xxxx48-7xxc-4xx3-axxc-d5xxxxxxxxf5",
            "currency_code": "INR"
    "total": 2,
    "offset": "0",
    "limit": "25",
    "error": null

Failure Responses

The following failure responses are received when the JSON script has an incorrect syntax:

    "code": "CLE404",
    "status": 400,
    "message": "Invalid Inputs, Validation Error.",
    "error": {
        "scalar": "The provided country code is invalid."

    "code": "CLE404",
    "status": 400,
    "message": "Invalid Inputs, Validation Error.",
    "error": {
        "scalar": "The provided capability is invalid."

    "code": "CLE404",
    "status": 400,
    "message": "Invalid Inputs, Validation Error.",
    "error": {
        "scalar": "The provided number type is invalid."

    "code": "CLE404",
    "status": 400,
    "message": "Invalid Inputs, Validation Error.",
    "error": {
        "scalar": "The maximum limit allowed is 50."

    "code": "RBC001",
    "message": "Incorrect SID or API key.",
    "data": [],
    "error": {
        "body": "Incorrect SID or API key.",
        "error": "record not found"

    "code": "RBC201",
    "message": "Incorrect SID or API key.",
    "data": [],
    "error": {
        "body": "Incorrect SID or API key.",
        "error": "API Key Not Found"