Campaigner February 17 and 18, 2025
IN Pod - Released on February 17, 2025
SG and EU Pods - Released on February 18, 2025
- [Voice and WhatsApp Campaign] - Added a tooltip count in the Copy and Paste Contacts section of the Import Contacts page to display the maximum number of mobile numbers that can be copied and pasted.
Previous Release Notes
Campaigner December 9 and 10, 2024
IN Pod - Released on December 9, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on December 10, 2024
- [Directory] - The Tags column is now available in the contact CSV export file on the Contacts page when exporting contacts.
- [SMS Campaign] - You can now specify the expiry date for the shortened URL when creating a shortening URL under Insert Link pop up of the Launch Campaigns page.
The minimum expiry limit is one day, while the maximum expiry limit is one year.
Campaigner November 18 and 19, 2024
IN Pod - Released on November 18, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on November 19, 2024
- [Voice Campaign] When creating a Voice Campaign, you can now select either a single number or multiple numbers in the From field on the Launch Campaigns page under the Create Campaign section.
Campaigner November 4 and 5, 2024
IN Pod - Released on November 4, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on November 5, 2024
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The WhatsApp Campaigns listing page now includes a View option that displays the Sent, Failed, Delivered, and Read statuses for messages, allowing you to view both campaign metrics and detailed campaign information.
- [Directory] The tags column has been included in the sample .csv in the Download Sample CSV File option available on the Import Contacts page.
Campaigner October 7 and 8, 2024
IN Pod - Released on October 7, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on October 8, 2024
- [SMS Campaign] Updated the message body section to include the new TRAI regulation information on URL whitelisting requirements on the Launch Campaigns page.
Campaigner July 15 and 16, 2024
IN Pod - Released on July 15, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on July 16, 2024
- [SMS Campaign] Updated the message preview and character estimation logic for the SMS URL Shortening feature on the Launch Campaigns page.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Added support for dynamic media content using .csv file in Set Audience section on the Launch Campaigns page.
- [Directory] Added support for bulk tagging of contacts, while importing contacts using .csv file.
Campaigner June 24 and 25, 2024
IN Pod - Released on June 24, 2024
SG and EU Pods - Released on June 25, 2024
Bug Fix
[All Channels] Corrected an issue where an error message was wrongly displayed during report generation on the Campaign Listing page.
Campaigner June 3, 2024
IN, SG, and EU Pods - Released on June 3, 2024
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The template name is displayed when hovering over the templates in the View all templates tab under Setup your campaign section.
Bug Fix
- [Directory] Corrected the placement of the Apply button when mapping contacts with tags.
Campaigner April 22 and 23, 2024
IN and SG Pods - Released on April 22, 2024
EU Pod - Released on April 23, 2024
- [SMS Campaign] Added support for URL variable replacement and shortening in the message body.
The URL will be converted to a short URL while sending the message, so the message length or count might vary based on the short URL.
- [Voice Campaign] Added a failure reason on the Voice Campaign Listing page for campaigns or batches that fail to process due to the Daily Call Limit being reached.
Bug Fixes
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue with video uploads on the Create Campaign page.
- [Voice Campaign] Corrected an issue with the Compose section for Save as Draft Voice Campaigns. Validation was added to check against daily limits when using the Save as Draft feature.
Campaigner March 11, 2024
- [Directory] Updated the .csv sample file format in the Import section to display the latest channel-specific Blocklist changes.
- [Directory] Added an error message for adding or editing the contacts without selecting which channel(s) to block, if the user has selected the Blocklist feature checkbox.
Bug Fix
- [Voice Campaign] Moved the validation and error message for duplicate campaign titles from the Review and Publish step to the Create Campaign step of the Launch Campaign page.
Campaigner February 19, 2024
- [WhatsApp Campaign] A new validation is now added to check document size before submitting the campaign for on-premises uploads only. The maximum file upload size is 64MB.
This validation applies only on the EU region for customer using the on-prem architecture.
Bug Fix
- [SMS Campaign] Corrected an issue with file uploads wherein a value that began with the number zero displayed correctly in the preview but was being removed from the message body upon delivery.
Campaigner January 29, 2024
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Added a failure reason tooltip on the Campaign Listing page when WhatsApp campaigns fail.
- [SMS Campaign] Added the following informational tooltip for each campaign status on the Campaign Listing page:
- Submitted—Messages have been submitted to carriers/operators.
- Scheduled—The Campaign is scheduled to send messages at a later date and/or time.
- Draft—The Campaign has not been submitted or scheduled yet.
- Failed—Messages were unable to be submitted to carriers/operators (either partially or completely).
- In Process—Messages are currently being sent to carriers/operators.
- Completed—Messages have been submitted to carriers/operators.
- Cancelled—The Campaign was cancelled.
- Deleted—The Campaign was deleted.
- [Directory] Renamed all references of Blacklist in Directory to Blocklist.
- [Directory] Added support for channel-level Blocklist handling when importing contacts using a .csv file. Users need to pass 1 to block and 0 to unblock contacts in the .csv file.
Users can block or unblock multiple channels for each contact in one .csv file upload based on column selection. Users can also verify which Blocklist a contact is on by viewing the contact.
- [Directory] Added support for channel-level Blocklist handling when creating or editing a single contact.
Users now have the option to decide if they want to enable the channel-level Blocklist feature. If Blocklist is selected, all channels will be selected by default. Blocklist channels may be selected or deselected at any time when adding or editing a contact. Users can also verify which Blocklist a contact is on by viewing the contact.
Bug Fix
- [Voice Campaign] Corrected an issue wherein the Next button accidentally becomes disabled when a customer selects zero in the mandatory retry field and then attempts to click Next to enter the Review and Publish section of the Launch page.
Campaigner December 11, 2023
- [SMS Campaign] Deleted is a new filter option now in the Status drop-down menu on the SMS Campaign Listing page.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] A tooltip is now available for each campaign status on the Campaign Listing page to identify what a campaign is doing.
Bug Fixes
- [Directory and SMS Campaign] Corrected an issue with the loading icon animation on the Import Contacts popup window.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue with WABA IDs not getting added correctly. Additionally, an error message is now displayed when a User attempts to add a WABA ID that has already been added to the account, has been used on a different Account, or has been used on a different Pod.
The following item was deployed to production on December 6th, 2023 as part of an intermediate release.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue with Draft campaign submissions when importing contacts using the Directory's Copy & Paste method.
Campaigner November 20, 2023
- [SMS Campaign] Updated the error message on the Estimated Cost pop-up of the SMS Launch Campaign page when no estimation is displayed as "We were unable to process the cost estimate for this campaign. Please close this pop-up and re-attempt to submit the Campaign.”
- [Voice Campaign] You can now save Voice Campaigns as a draft during the Create Campaigns, Compose Message, and Review and Publish sections on the Campaigns Launch page. This feature allows you to save your progress. These drafts are listed on the Campaigns Listing page with a Draft status.
- [Voice Campaign] Added the option to filter by Draft status on the Campaigns Listing page.
Bug Fixes
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue where the templates were not displaying when saving a campaign as a draft.
The following item was deployed to production on October 7th, 2023 as part of an intermediate release.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue on the Compose and Set Audience sections of the Campaigns Launch page where the template variables were getting reverted when you clicked on the Previous button.
Campaigner October 30, 2023
- [SMS Campaign] Now, you can view the number of contacts for each upload type in the Import Contacts pop-up on the Launch Campaigns page.
- [All] Updated the workflow and error handling feature for the Directory page when deleting and importing bulk contacts.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Added the option to filter by Draft status on the Campaigns Listing page.
Bug Fixes
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected the error handling for time zone selection when scheduling a WhatsApp campaign.
- [Voice Campaign] Corrected an issue related to the time field in the Scheduled Campaigns page.
The following item was deployed to production on October 17th, 2023 as part of an intermediate release:
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Added a fail-over mechanism to the WhatsApp campaign status workflow. The system will now:
- Update the campaign status from In Process to Failed for both instant and scheduled campaigns if there are no updates received from the channel after three days and the total count is less than 90 percent of the total campaign size.
- Update the status from In Process to Submitted after twelve hours have passed since campaign processing started and the total count is at least 90 percent of the total campaign size.
The following item was deployed to production on October 26th, 2023 as part of an intermediate release:
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue where the batches were created without an identifier for Save as Draft campaigns.
Campaigner September 19, 2023
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Improved template selection approach for Select a template list menu and View all templates sidebar in the Compose section of the Campaign Launch page. Templates are now listed in the reverse order of creation date (the newest template is displayed at the top of the list).
- [SMS Campaign] Added support for a new SMS Safe to Send Window functionality in the campaigner workflow for instant and scheduled campaigns. You can configure the Safe to Send Window in the account settings by setting a daily time frame for message delivery.
Bug Fixes
- [SMS Campaign] Corrected an issue where the batch size value was not resetting when you deselect the Split Campaign Schedule checkbox.
The individual batch size should be greater than or equal to 1000 contacts.
- [SMS Campaign] Corrected an issue when uploading .xls file types (older Microsoft Excel files) on the SMS channel page.
Campaigner August 28, 2023
- [WhatsApp Campaign] While setting up a new campaign, if the existing templates fail to load in the Select a template drop-down list, users will see a message displayed on the Compose and Set Audience sections of the Campaigns Launch page allowing them to click Reload Now in order to refresh the page content.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Users now have the option to Request and Download WhatsApp reports directly from the Campaigns Listing page.
Users can download the same report multiple times.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Now the users can save a WhatsApp campaign as a draft during the "Set Audience" and "Review & Send" steps on the Campaign Launch page. This feature allows users to save their progress. Such drafts will be listed on the Campaigns Listing page with a Draft status.
Campaign Name, Campaign Details, at least one mobile number, and at least one contact must be entered to enable the "Save as Draft" option.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] A tooltip display is available when a user hovers over their selected WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) address on any of the WhatsApp Campaign pages. This will provide a quick view of the Business Name and WABA ID.
- [Voice and WhatsApp Campaign] The Country Code search capability is now available on the Campaign Launch page in the Set Audience section. When a User adds contacts by either Upload or by Copy and Paste, and they select the "Doesn't include Country Code" checkbox, a drop-down menu will be displayed allowing them to search by Country Name or by Country Code.
In the search bar, users are not required to prefix the Country Code with ‘+’.
- [SMS Campaign] Users now have the option to cancel a campaign that is currently in progress from the Campaigns Listing page. The cancelled campaigns will display the status Canceled.
There is a possibility that a maximum of 500 messages will still be sent after you cancel the campaign. This could be because the system is unable to cancel the first batch of messages that were sent to be processed.
Campaigner August 3, 2023
- [SMS and Voice Campaign] Updated the country code search field for Upload .csv or Excel file and Copy & Paste Contacts under the Import Contacts section.
- [Voice Campaign] Added the option to Delete a scheduled Voice campaign and Edit or Delete a scheduled batch(es) of a Voice campaign on the Campaign Listing Page.
The option to view a scheduled Voice campaign is not supported.
Bug Fixes
- [All] Corrected an issue where Email addresses were not recognized as valid message content in the Compose Message section of the Create Campaign page.
You must enter your complete email address for the field to accept the message. For example, [email protected].
- [All] Corrected the alignment of error messages on the Create Campaign page.
Error messages no longer overlap page content.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue with the Estimate API where WhatsApp campaigns were briefly displaying an error message upon clicking Next on the Set Audience page.
Campaigner July 17, 2023
- [Voice Campaign] Added the ability to search, filter, and use pagination on the Voice campaign listing page.
- [SMS and Voice Campaign] Added support for double flower brackets-{{ }}, (along with the existing single flower brackets-{ }, and the at-@ symbol) when using variable replacement in the message body field for SMS and Voice campaigns.
WhatsApp campaigns do not support double flower brackets-{{ }}.
- [All] Updated the support notifications to direct a customer to the existing customer support landing page rather than displaying various email domains. Users now see the message "Please click here to reach out to our support team", instead of Kaleyra support email addresses.
- [SMS and WhatsApp Campaign] Re-enabled the “delete last batch” option for SMS and WhatsApp Split Campaigns. Additionally, added an automated status refresh for every ten minutes instead of every thirty minutes.
In summary, batch handling works as follows:- Users may delete a scheduled Campaign in its entirety so long as the Campaign has not started processing (that is, the first batch has not started processing).
- If a scheduled Campaign has started processing, users will not be able to delete the Campaign entirely; users will only be able to delete batches. However, users cannot delete a batch once it has started processing.
Bug Fixes
- [Voice Campaign] Corrected an issue with dragging and dropping a file to the upload box on the Compose page for Voice campaigns.
- [SMS Campaigns] Corrected the alignment of the Cancel and Confirm buttons in the Estimate pop-up display on the Launch Campaigns screen for Reseller sub-accounts.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected an issue with prolonged page loading animation on the WhatsApp Campaigns list page for sub-accounts.
Campaigner June 26, 2023
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The user's daily limit and current daily usage details are now available on the WhatsApp campaign setup page. This will provide a clear indication of how many more contacts can be added for the selected WABA "From" number. This will also prohibit the user from attempting to send the campaign if the number of contacts uploaded exceeds their daily limit.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The Remove Duplicates pop-up window has been moved from the Review & Send step to the Set Audience step of the WhatsApp campaign setup. Calculating the contact estimation at the earlier stage, lets the user decide whether to send the campaign with or without duplicate contacts.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The campaign Listing page, Campaign Details page, and Campaign Launch page in the Campaigns tab have been optimized to increase load times and reduce the possibility of the user receiving an error message.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] The following APIs have been optimized (that is, reduced number of API calls made):
- Package Status - provides plan status of the WABA ID
- WABA ID - the API used to get all WABA IDs and business names
- Estimate API - provides a cost estimate of a campaign
- Template API - provides the list of templates
- [All] The campaign import feature has been updated to intuitively combine multiple methods of file imports (that is, .CSV, Directory, or copy-paste), regardless of import method order.
Bug Fixes
- [Voice Campaign] Corrected an issue with the Voice split campaign feature when the user imports in excess of 1,000 contacts.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Corrected a display issue for daily limit and current daily usage details on the WhatsApp campaign setup page when a WABA is selected.
The following items were deployed to production on June 16th, 2023 as part of an intermediate release:
- [All] Corrected an issue with excel file columns when a space or backslash was used causing the .CSV import to fail.
- [All] Optimized backend services to increase query time.
Campaigner May 15, 2023
New Features
- [Voice Campaign] Calls initiated by Voice Campaigns are now capable of triggering flows that are published in the Flowbuilder.
- [Voice Campaign] Dynamic variables are now supported in Voice campaigns, allowing customers to personalize their outgoing Voice messages and to set default values for those dynamic variables.
- [All] Remove All Contacts option is now available so users can clear out any imported or uploaded contacts and import or upload again from scratch.
- [SMS Campaign] Mobile Number can now be added as a variable in the message body while creating SMS Campaigns.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Save As Draft option is now available for WhatsApp Campaigns. Saving as a draft will be possible if there aren't enough credits to launch the Campaign. By saving it as a draft, users will be able to add credits and then either execute or delete the Campaign that is in draft status.
- [Vocie Campaign] The Beta tag has been removed from the Voice Campaigns option on the Campaigns page.
Bug Fixes
- [All] Resolved the issue that was preventing users from uploading contact files if both the filename included spaces and the columns in the file included spaces.
- [SMS Campaign] The SMS Cost Estimate screen is no longer flashed before displaying the error message for missing Template IDs for SMS Campaigns.
- [SMS Campaign] The vague error message that was displayed related to invalid URLs when inserting URLs for SMS Campaigns has been corrected. Now the error message reads as, Invalid URL format.
- [SMS Campaign] Resolved the issue with SMS Cost Estimation calculation to account for duplicates if the User does not want to include duplicates.
- [WhatsApp Campaign] Resolved the issue that was preventing users from scheduling WhatsApp Campaigns when the current time was less than 15 minutes from the selected time.
Campaigner April 24, 2023
- Hidden the Import from Directory option for WhatsApp campaigns if the campaign is created by a user with a WhatsApp-Only role.
- Enabled the Filter functionality within the Import from Directory option for WhatsApp Campaigns.
- Added additional information about SMS Campaign Failures on the SMS Campaign Listing page.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue that was preventing users from executing SMS Campaigns with a Draft status.
- Corrected an issue with the mapping for SNDR-NT-MTCH for the SMS Replay Campaigns feature.
- Corrected an issue where WhatsApp Campaigns could be launched with missing parameters.
- Improved validation to ensure the same Campaign can not be submitted multiple times.
- Corrected an issue where the SMS campaigns were stuck in an In Progress state when the batches associated with the campaign were deleted.
The processing works as follows:- You can delete a scheduled Campaign entirely as long as the Campaign has not started processing (that is, the first batch has not started processing).
- If a scheduled Campaign has started processing, you will not be able to delete the Campaign entirely; You will be able to delete batches, but
- You cannot delete a batch once it has started processing.
- You cannot delete the last batch.
Campaigner April 3, 2023
- Enabled variable mapping between WhatsApp contact files and templates as part of the contact upload step in WhatsApp Campaigns.
- Includes User Interface labeling improvements for Callback URL and Default Website URL Path fields in WhatsApp campaigns, so users know that these are default (aka static) values.
- Enabled XLSX files support for contact uploads.
- Enabled additional (regional) language support for Voice campaigns using the Text-to-Speech function.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue where the Exclude option was automatically enabled when using Directory in SMS Campaigns.
- Corrected an issue where the contacts were not displayed when importing from Directory with pagination in SMS Campaigns.
- Modified the handling of contacts being created in the Directory as part of security improvements.
- Corrected an issue preventing users from searching the country by typing into the Country code drop-down menu.
- Corrected an issue with the City filter in the Import from Directory in SMS Campaigns.
- Corrected an issue with the batch label display in split WhatsApp Campaigns.
Campaigner March 13 and 14, 2023
- The Sub-accounts feature has been enabled to launch WhatsApp campaigns.
- The Search and Filter options have been enabled in the Import from Directory option for Voice campaigns.
- The Upload .csv/Excel option has been enabled for Voice campaigns.
- There will be a maximum default limit of 100,000 contacts per campaign. The maximum default limit will be displayed in the Import Contact section along with a tool-tip.
- If an uploaded file exceeds the default limit, you will not be able to proceed with your campaign. You must restart the campaign and upload a file with fewer than the maximum limit displayed.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue with WhatsApp campaigns where users were unable to continue their campaign if the number of contacts uploaded was equal to the tier limit.
- Corrected an issue with adding contacts to the Directory.
Campaigner March 1 and 2, 2023
New Feature
- Enabled the Schedule for Later feature for WhatsApp Campaigns in For more information on the Schedule for Later feature, see the Review and Send section of the Launch WhatsApp Campaign page.
- Reduced the internal interval for batching from 15 minutes to 5 minutes for Campaigns with more than 1 million contacts (regardless of the communication channel).
Campaigner February 20, 2023
New Features
- Deployed WhatsApp Campaigns in WhatsApp Campaigns allows you to send bulk WhatsApp messages to your worldwide end-users. To use WhatsApp Campaigns following are the prerequisites:
- WhatsApp Business Account (WABA)
- A phone number associated with the WABA
- An approved message template
- If you want to manage conversations with end-users, you will need to configure a chatbot. It is recommended to implement STOP or OPT-OUT options in the Chatbot to remain in compliance with Meta's consent requirements. Following is the list of the features/functions that are available as part of this release:
- Launch a campaign for a selected WABA ID. The templates and "from number" for the campaign will be those associated with the selected WABA ID. If your account is not active (that is in grace period status), still you will not be able to submit a campaign.
- Compose the campaign by providing a title and selecting a template. Based on template selection, additional fields may be required.
- Templates with a video require a video file to be uploaded. Supported file types are mp4 and 3gp. The maximum allowable size is 16 MB.
- Templates with an image require an image file to be uploaded. Supported file types are jpeg and png. The maximum allowable size is 5 MB.
- Templates with a document require a document file to be uploaded. Any valid MIME-type file will be supported. The maximum allowable size is 100 MB.
- (Optional) You can enter a callback URL, where the statuses of WhatsApp messages are posted.
A WhatsApp message has multiple statuses (for example, a successful WhatsApp message that is read by the end-user will have three statuses: Sent, Delivered, and Read).
- You can set the audience for the campaign by setting the "from number" and importing contacts. You are responsible for ensuring that they have received prior consent (also known as OPT-IN) from the numbers to which they are delivering messages. You can import the contacts any one of the following ways:
- Upload
- Import from Directory
- Copy & Paste
If the number of contacts identified exceeds the daily send limit for the WABA phone number, customers will not be able to launch the campaign.
- Review and then send the campaign by confirming the total recipients and estimated cost before launching the campaign. The estimated cost is based on the number of contacts uploaded and the country code for those records. The estimated cost puts a hold on the funds for customers in a pre-paid model. This ensures you have enough credit to run your campaigns. Actual deductions will be applied based on the message type and session statuses. For example, messages in an existing session are not billed and therefore will not get deducted. When the campaign is closed, final deductions will be made and the account will be credited for any messages that were not deducted.
- After launching the WhatsApp campaign, you can view the launched campaigns and their relevant statuses from the campaign list page. The following are the WhatsApp campaign statuses:
- Submitted - Messages submitted to Meta
- In Process - Messages are being sent from Kaleyra to Meta
- Completed - All messages have been sent and statuses for each returned OR 3 days have passed since the launch of the campaign
- Failed - Messages were unable to be submitted to Meta
- Reporting related to launched campaigns can be viewed from WA Channel Analytics.
Campaigner January 30, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue that caused a delay in loading the directory and retrieving contacts in the directory.
- Corrected an issue with the select all feature in the directory for WhatsApp campaigns.
- Corrected an issue where customers could delete campaigns that were in In Progress status.
Campaigner January 9, 2023
The following are changes made to the handling of the Set Default Variable feature:
- Enabled the support for setting variables identified by using { }.
Variables identified using the @ symbol was previously supported and will continue to be supported.
- Enabled support for adding new variables and setting default values for newly added variables in Replayed Campaigns.
Campaigner December 12, 2022
New Feature
- You can now set default values for variables in SMS campaigns.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue where variables were not populated if entered before the source file was uploaded.
- Corrected an issue where the voice campaign listing page was blank after returning to the page from the breadcrumb path.
- Corrected an issue that enabled CSV injection of malicious content.
Campaigner November 23, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue where the SMS campaign estimated cost was not updated when additional contacts were added.
Campaigner October 17, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue with the Variable Replacement Preview in Replayed Campaigns.
Campaigner October 10, 2022
New Features
- Added variable replacement preview capability. For messages with dynamic variables, you can preview a sample message where the variables are replaced. This enables you to verify the message content is correct and satisfactory before sending it.
- Modified the newly launched Campaign Replay functionality. Earlier, the replay functionality was only available 3 days from the initial Campaign submission. Now, the waiting time has been reduced from 3 days to 1 day. Since Kaleyra may not have all DLRs before 3 days, the system displays a message advising you to wait for 72 hours for those DLRs to get updated. If you want, you can choose to continue without waiting for 3 days.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing editing contacts in the Directory in the IN pod.
Campaigner September 16, 2022
New Features
Added a Campaign Replay option for SMS Campaigns. The feature allows you to re-send a previous campaign to a selected set of original recipients based on their message delivery status.
The Replay Campaign feature will:
be available from 3 days of Campaign submission to 30 days from Campaign submission (Waiting 3 days ensures all DLRs have been received).
pre-populate Campaign details from the original Campaign, you can:
Do's | Don'ts |
Change the Campaign Name. | Change the Sender ID from the original Sender ID. |
Change the message content or use a different Template. | Change the Route from the original Route. |
Change the Contacts from the original Contacts. |
- Added visual page loaders to Voice Campaign pages to more clearly indicate when pages are loading.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue that prevented Submitted Campaigns from showing on the SMS page.
- Corrected an issue that prevented Directory Contacts from showing for SMS Imports.
Updated 29 days ago