SMS Logs
The SMS Logs are generated for all the submitted SMS messages. The SMS Logs help you get detailed information about the submitted SMS such as phone number, status, dates, and message ID.
You can search the logs based on the specific message ID associated with each SMS log. You can use the message ID to track the message status and the relevant information. Additionally, you can use the filters to search the message logs more precisely. You can expand the SMS logs to view details such as route, source, country, network, and MSG ID.
View, Search, and Filter SMS Logs
To view, search, and filter the SMS logs, perform the following steps:
- Sign in to your account.
The Channels page appears.

- On the SMS card, click Manage.
The Sender ID tab details appear.

- Click the Logs tab.
The Logs tab details appear.

- You can also navigate the Logs tab from Campaigns > SMS > Logs tab.
- From the Type column, the upward arrow sign indicates Message Terminated (MT) logs and the downward arrow sign indicates Message Originated (MO) logs.
- Hover over the Log’s Message Body column to view the complete message.
- The following details appear:
- Type – The message type. For example, either MT or MO.
- From – The source number from which the message was sent.
- To – The destination number to which the message was sent.
- Template ID – The template ID used to send the message.
- Template/Keyword – The template or keyword in the message.
- Message Body – The body of the message.
- Status – The status of the message. For example, Delivered or Not sent.
- Click the expand icon next to the Status column to view the log details.
The Log details appear.

- The following details appear:
For MT Message Logs:
- Route - based on the different regions, the options are available.
For customers in the Indian region, the available SMS Types for which you can create a template are OTP, Transactional (TXN), Transactional DND (TXND), and Marketing (MKT). For Europe, America, and Singapore regions, only OTP and Default (to be used for Marketing and Transactional) message types are available.
- Source - The source of the message whether it is API, Campaign, or Plugins. You may see only some of this value according to your specific use and integration with SMS.
- Country - The country to which the message is terminated for MT.
- Network - The network to which the message is terminated for MT.
- Cost - The cost that has been charged for the SMS.
- Msg ID - Unique Message ID generated by to be used as a reference, in case further support is required on the specific message.
For MO Message Logs:
- Response - The response from MO.
- Response Time - The time when MO originated.
- Trigger URL - The URL to which a webhook is sent with the MO information in it.
- Trigger Time - The time when the webhook has been sent to the URL configured in the trigger URL.
- Resend Time - Last attempt time to send a webhook with the MO information to the endpoint configured in the trigger URL.
- Resend - Click the resend link to resend the MO messages. It is a CTA within the logs page to send again a webhook to the URL configured in the trigger URL.

- In the Search field, enter the mobile/phone number you wish to search the logs. Based on your entry the logs appear. The Total count indicates the search result counts.

- Click Filter to view the available filter options.

Click the Message Type drop-down, the following list appears, and then select one of the following:
Message Originated - To filter the SMS logs based on messages sent from the end-user to the organization. You can filter the MO logs based on more advanced filtering options such as Template ID, Recipient, Keyword, Sender, Start Date, and End Date.
Message Terminated - To filter the SMS logs based on messages sent from the organization to the customers. You can filter the MT logs based on more advanced filtering options such as Source (API, Campaign, or Plugins), Status (Sent, Not-sent, Delivered, or Undelivered), Template ID, Sent Date (Start Date and End Date), Delivery Date (Start Date and End Date), Message Category, and Message ID.
Both - To filter the SMS logs based on MO and MT messages. You can use the Start Date and End Date to filter both MO and MT logs.
Click Apply.
Based on the selected filter, the filtered result appears.

- You can click either the x (close) icon next to the selected filter or Clear all filters to clear the filter. The default logs appear.

Updated 9 months ago