Request an Email Report allows you to view and download reports about the Email delivery statuses. There are two types of reports:

  • Detailed: You can view the complete list of emails that you have sent from the email accounts configured in the platform.
  • Summary: You can view the summarized view of the emails based on email templates.

Request an email report

To request an email report, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. On the left pane, click Channels.
    The Channels page appears.
  1. On the Email widget, click Manage.
    The Email page appears.
  1. Select the Reports option on the left pane.
    The list of existing reports appears.
  1. Click New Report.
    The Generate New Report window appears.
  1. In the Date Range field, enter the From and To date range for which the report should be generated.
    In the Type of Report, select one of the following:
    Detailed - Generates a report with detailed information about each email sent.
    Summary - Generates a report that shows aggregate information about the emails sent based on templates.
    When you select the Summary option, additionally you have to select one of the following options:
  2. In the Advanced Filter section, select Edit Filters.
    The Choose Filter window appears.
  1. Click the arrow next to the Select status list to view the list and select the status for which the report should be generated. You can select multiple email statuses from the list.
    For more information on email delivery statuses, see: Email delivery statuses.
  2. Click the arrow next to the Select from email address list and select the email addresses for which the report should be generated.
  3. You can select [email protected], or [email protected] and addresses.
    Note: Both the fields under Choose Filter window are NOT mandatory.
  4. After selecting the advanced filter conditions, click Apply.
    Below the Set filter to narrow down the result section, the selected email statuses and from email addresses are shown.
  5. In the Title field, enter a name for the report.
  6. Click Save. Once generated, the report will be available in the Report Page for download.

Search, filter, and download email reports

You can search, filter, and download email reports (detailed and summary).

To search, filter, and download Email reports, perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps from 1 to step 4 of Request an Email Report.
    The Email Reports page appears.
  1. In the Reports section, you can perform any of the following search operations:
  2. In the Search on Name field, enter the email report title you want to search for, and then press ENTER.
    The reports that match the specified name appear.
  3. Click Filter to filter the reports with more advanced options.
    You can use the following options to filter the reports:
  4. In the Select criteria field, select a field based on the reports that should be filtered.
  5. In the Condition field, select the condition from the list.
  6. In the Select value field, select a value from the list.
    A sample screen is shown.

For example, to filter based on the Tabular reports,

  1. Select Report Type from the Search criteria field.
  2. Select Is from the Condition field.
  3. Select Tabular from the Select value field.
  1. On clicking the Apply button, the tabular reports are shown in the search result.
  2. To add more conditions, click +Add Filter.
    The reports that match all the specified filter conditions appear in the search list.
  3. To clear the search conditions, click Reset filter.
  4. To close the Filter window, click Cancel.
    Once you locate the report you were searching for, click the ellipsis (three dots) next to the available report to download the report.
  5. To download a report, click Download.
    The <report_name>.csv file is downloaded.
  6. To delete a report, click Delete.