kaleyra.io allows parent accounts to manage the business or customers by providing an option to create sub-accounts. Parent accounts have access to view and make changes to sub-accounts. Based on the type of account, prepaid or postpaid, the parent account can either allocate a budget from their account or let the sub-account consume within the parent account’s monthly credit limit. Sub-account users can perform tasks on enabled channel services only.
A sub-account is similar to a regular account but directed or configured by the parent account. Sub-accounts cannot create other sub-accounts, and cannot access the resources of the parent account or any other sub-accounts.
For instance, you wish to manage the communication for your organization by providing separate ownership of a specific channel to a specific branch or team so that each team is autonomous in its communication strategy from the others and the parent account. You can set up sub-accounts for either mirroring your organization's structure or communication strategy. For example, having different sub-accounts per regional team, product/service team, or channel team.
Let's take the example of an ISV (Independent Software Vendor), customers can utilize Kaleyra services to serve their end users using Kaleyra's sub-account module. In this case, you can add your customers as sub-accounts on kaleyra.io and enable Kaleyra's SMS channel for them. You can then integrate Kaleyra's SMS APIs with your software and allow your end users to leverage SMS services. Moreover, it allows the parent account to view the usage of each sub-account separately in a dedicated view and helps to capture customers' intent.
Another example could be, if you wish to launch SMS campaigns for your customers for different products, in different regions, in different time zones, you can use the sub-account module to run your campaign successfully. You can assign sub-account users located in different business units globally for different products, and you can assign a budget for each campaign, based on the planned local time, they have the option to launch SMS campaigns in supported languages.
Parent Account has control over financial activities for different products as they can monitor credit usage by sub-accounts.
kaleyra.io supports two types of Sub-account Modules:
- Enterprise Sub-account Module: This is best suited for users who want to manage different departments, teams, or branches within their organization from a centralized account. For example, a company using Kaleyra may set up different Sub-accounts for each department (Customer Support, Marketing, Sales, and many more). Enterprise Sub-accounts can view economic information related to their activities such as the available Balance, updated Usage, or prices and deductions.
- Reseller Sub-account Module: This is best suited for users who want to resell Kaleyra solution. Reseller Sub-accounts cannot view the pricing or plan, an estimated amount for any service, and overall Balance/Usage in UI, Logs, or Reports pages. Every economic information is available only at the Parent Account level and accessible to the Reseller personnel only.
To enable the Enterprise or Reseller Sub-account, please contact your Kaleyra representative.
Actions not allowed to Sub-account users
The following actions are not allowed at the Sub-account level:
- Recharge their account (only the Parent Account can assign a budget or share his wallet).
- View any information related to the Parent Account or other Sub-accounts.
- Create other Sub-accounts.
- Access the Preferences and History page under the Billing module.
- Access to any channel or tool that is not enabled for them.
- Access any Public API that is not related to their enabled Channel.
- View prices/plan, estimated amount, overall balance, and usage (Applicable only for Reseller Sub-accounts).
To enable the Subaccounts feature in Kaleyra.io, send a request to the Kaleyra Support team.
The Subaccounts module includes:
Updated 10 months ago