Build Media and Interactive Messages in Chatbot
About Media Messages
Media messages can be used to send media items to create rich conversations with your WhatsApp users. Various media types, including images, video, audio, and documents, are supported.
About Interactive Messages
Interactive Messages can be used in A2P WhatsApp flows to make it easier for end users to interact with businesses compared with plain text messages.
- Interactive messages can be combined together in the same flow.
- You cannot select more than one option at the same time from a list or button message, but users can go back and re-open a previous message.
- List or reply button messages cannot be used as notifications. Currently, they can only be sent within 24 hours of the last message sent by the user. If you try to send a message outside the 24-hour window or without a previous MO message, you get an error message.
The following are the four types of interactive messages supported:
- Reply Messages: A message with up to three quick reply buttons. This type of message gives you a faster way to select from a menu when interacting with your business. Reply buttons have the same user experience as interactive templates with buttons.
- List Messages: A message with a menu of up to 10 options. This type of message provides an easier and more consistent way for users to make choices when interacting with your business.
- Single Product Messages: A message containing a single product item from a business’ inventory.
- Multi Product Messages: A message containing a selection of up to 30 items from a business’ inventory.
Media and Interactive Messages JSON Specification
This section outlines the JSON required to use media and interactive messages with the chatbot product. These types of messages can be configured as responses to an Intent, follow-up question, or as Welcome, Fallback, or Goodbye messages. You can choose which sections to use to create a media or an interactive message.
All the guidance text (in italics) plus spaces, tabs, and line breaks/carriage returns need to be deleted.
Type – can be 1 of five types: media, reply (quick reply buttons), list, a single-product, or multi-product.
Header - Mandatory for multi-product messages, optional for reply and list messages, and not supported for media or single-product messages. Can be 1 of 4 types: text, image, video, or document.
Text headers are specified as follows for list messages:
"header":{"type":"text","text":"This is the header text"},
Text headers are specified as follows for the reply and multi-product messages:
"header_value":"This is the header text",
All other header types are only supported for reply messages.
Optional caption for image, video, and document header types.
"caption":"Image Caption",
"caption":"Video Caption",
"caption":"Document Caption",
Main body text (not supported for media messages, optional for single product messages, otherwise mandatory).
"body":"This is the body text",
Optional footer (not supported for media messages).
"footer":"This is the footer text",
Media URL (only for media messages).
Optional caption (not displayed for some media types).
"caption":"Media Caption",
Action (not supported for media messages, mandatory for all other types, format dependent on type).
Reply messages – quick reply buttons (up to 3)
Button titles have a maximum length of 20 characters.
{"type":"reply","reply":{"id":"1","title":"First Button Title"}},
{"type":"reply","reply":{"id":"2","title":"Second Button Title"}},
{"type":"reply","reply":{"id":"3","title":"Third Button Title"}}
List messages - Can have 1 to 10 sections
Sections – section title (24 characters maximum, mandatory if more than 1 section), must have at least 1 row per section, the limit of 10 rows across all sections.
Each item (row) has an id (must be unique), a title, and an optional description (included below for section 1 but not section 2).
Section in Text format is for 2nd section – can be removed if only 1 section is required, should be repeated for 3rd and subsequent sections
"button":"Text for list button",
"title":"Section 1 title",
{"id":"1","title":"First Button Title","description":"Description for 1st button"},
{"id":"2","title":"Second Button Title","description":"Description for 2nd button"},
{"id":"3","title":"Third Button Title","description":"Description for 3rd button"}
"title":"Section 2 title",
{"id":"4","title":"S2 First Button Title"},
{"id":"5","title":"S2 Second Button Title"},
{"id":"6","title":"S2 Third Button Title"}
Single product messages:
Need to specify the catalog and the product id.
Multi-product messages:
Need to specify the catalog and the product ids and can have 1 to 10 sections.
Sections – section title (24 characters max, mandatory if more than 1 section), must have at least 1 product per section, the limit of 30 products across all sections.
The section in Text format is for the 2nd section – can be removed if only 1 section is required, and should be repeated for 3rd and subsequent sections
"title":"Section 1 Title",
"title":"Section 2 title",
Updated over 1 year ago