Kaleyra Voice provides the most secure and scalable voice calling capabilities to enhance the customer’s communication experience.
Using Kaleyra Voice API, you can perform the following functions:
- Schedule reminder calls such as appointments and many more
- Configure text-to-speech (TTS) for outgoing calls in English and Italian languages for up to 100 numbers at a time
- Play recorded audio file or any audio file of choice during outgoing calls for up to 100 numbers at a time
- Trigger a flow made in Flow Builder via the Outgoing call API
- Route data related to incoming calls such as Caller Number, Call Timing, Keypresses, etc. over callback API
- Initiate an outgoing call between two numbers and bridge them (Click-to-call)
Visit our Voice Page to know more about the feature and its benefits.
Below are the public APIs available in Kaleyra Voice:
Click to Call
This API can be used to create calls between two numbers and to bridge them together in a single channel. Go through the Click to Call API documentation for more information.
Outbound call
You can use this API to make outbound calls. Go through the Outbound call API documentation for more information.
The typical uses cases that can be covered by these APIs are:
- Sending OTP via voice calls
- Call scheduling
- Playing text messages over voice (Text-to-Speech) in English and Italian languages for outgoing calls
- Playing recorded sound files over the outgoing calls
- Triggering an interactive flow build via Flowbuilder over the outgoing calls
- Initiating outgoing calls between two numbers and bridging them (Click-to-call)
- Making outgoing calls in bulk upto 100 numbers at a time
The Voice API category also contains the following topics:
Voice Error Codes
Voice Error Codes contains information about the error codes you would receive when executing the Voice REST APIs.
Updated over 1 year ago