SMS Location wise

The SMS Location wise report allows you to schedule an automated summary report that is sent daily, weekly, and monthly providing SMS figures aggregated by country. The report is aggregated by Country Name and shows the number of SMS for the relevant Status SENT-No DLR, Delivered, Undelivered, NOT-SENT, and Total Sent messages.

Sample SMS Location wise

The following is the sample SMS Location wise report:

The following table describes the fields available in the SMS Location wise Report:

Column Field NameDescriptionExample
Country NameDisplays the destination country name.India
SENT- No DLRDisplays the number of messages sent to the network in the covered period for which no Delivery Report (DLR) has been received from the carrier.9
DeliveredDisplays the number of messages for which a Delivery Report with delivered status has been received among the total number of messages sent for a selected period.0
UndeliveredDisplays the number of messages for which a Delivery Report acknowledging them as undelivered among the total messages sent for a selected period.0
NOT-SENTThe number of messages not sent at all from to the carrier mainly due to a validation error at request submission.0
Total SentDisplays the total number of messages sent for a selected period.9

Enable and Configure SMS Location wise

To enable and configure the SMS Location wise report, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the top-right of the page, click the User Profile drop-down and then click Settings.
    The General Settings page appears.
  1. On the left menu bar, click the Notifications.
    The Notifications page appears.
  1. Scroll down to the SMS Location Wise Report.
  1. Toggle SMS Location wise report to enable the SMS Location wise report and click Edit Details link.

The SMS Location wise pane appears.

  1. Select the SMS Location wise frequencies from the following option:
  • Daily - Receive an email notification daily at 10 AM based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached report. The report contains the details from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM of the previous day.
  • Weekly - Receive an email notification every Monday based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached report. The report contains the details from the previous Monday to Sunday.
  • Monthly - Receive an email notification every third (3rd) of the month based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached report. The report contains the details from the 3rd of the previous month to the 2nd of the current month.

  1. In the Send Report To field, enter the email addresses to receive the SMS Location wise report.



  • You can select all the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options to get the report for all the three frequencies.
  • By default, the account owner’s email address is present.
  • A minimum of one email address is required to save the report.
  • You can add multiple email addresses separated by a coma. For example [email protected], [email protected].
  1. Click Save. The Request executed successfully message appears.



  • To stop receiving email notifications for the SMS Location wise report, toggle SMS Location wise and disable it.
  • If you disable a previously configured SMS Location wise report, when you re-activate it, the same configuration will be automatically applied.