WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report
The WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report option enables you to generate a daily/weekly/monthly WhatsApp conversation summary report that you can send as an Email to different recipients. The report provides details like number of conversations and the corresponding cost for your WABA IDs and WA Business phone number with also the details of conversation category, and the destination country.
A sample WhatsApp conversation summary report format is shown.

The WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report contains the following fields.
Column | Description | Example |
DATE | The date on which the conversation is initiated. | Jun 01, 2023 |
WABA ID | The WABA ID used for the conversation. | 0900978978xxxx |
WA PHONE | The business WhatsApp phone number from which the messages that opened the conversations have been sent to recipients. | 9887611xxx |
DISPLAY NAME | The business name shown to the customer on their WhatsApp application. | test_sales |
CAMPAIGN NAME | The campaign name through which the WhatsApp messages that opened the conversations has been sent to recipient. If the messages is sent outside of any campaign, this field remains empty. | festive_offers |
DESTINATION | The country in which the phone number of the recipient is registered. | India |
CONVERSATION CATEGORY | The type of conversation held with the recipient. | marketing |
FREE TIER | Indicates, if the conversation is in free tier and therefore, it does not incur any cost for the conversation. | No |
NUMBER OF SESSIONS | The number of conversations initiated with recipients for a given day, WABA, phone number, destination country, and type. | 3 |
AMOUNT | The cost incurred for the conversations. | 1.25 |
Generate WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report
- Log in to your Kaleyra.io account.
- On the top-right of the page, click the User Profile drop-down and then click Settings.
The General Settings page appears.

- On the left menu bar, click the Notifications.
The Notifications page appears.
The Notifications page has a list of all the reports that you can generate.
- Select WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report using the toggle button.
The WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report window appears.

- Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly frequency options to receive the report, using the toggle buttons.
Daily - Receive an email notification daily at 10 AM based on the time zone of your kaleyra.io account (you can view and edit your time zone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached WhatsApp Message Based Summary Report. The reports contain the WhatsApp message-based summary report details from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM of the previous day. The data is aggregated by day.
Weekly - Receive an email notification every Monday based on the time zone of your kaleyra.io account (you can view and edit your time zone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached WhatsApp Message Based Summary Report. The reports contain the WhatsApp message-based summary report details from the previous Monday to Sunday.
Monthly - Receive an email notification every third (3rd) of the month based on the time zone of your kaleyra.io account (you can view and edit your time zone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached WhatsApp message-based summary report. The report contains the WhatsApp message based summary report details from the 3rd of the previous month to the 2nd of the current month. - In the Send Report To field, enter the email addresses to receive the daily sender wise report.
- You can select all the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options to get the WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report for all three frequencies.
- By default, the account owner’s email address is present.
- A minimum of one email address is required to save the WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report configuration. You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma.
For example - [email protected], [email protected].
- Click Save.
The Request executed successfully message appears. A report will be sent to the specified Email IDs based on the selected frequency.

- Click the Edit Details link below the report option to modify the WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report settings. You can modify the frequencies and email addresses of WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report.
- To stop receiving email notifications for the WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary report, toggle WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report and disable it.
- If you disable a previously configured WhatsApp Conversation Based Summary Report, when you re-activate it, the previous configuration is restored.
Updated about 1 month ago