Low Balance Alert

The low balance alert feature allows you to get notifications via email when your kaleya.io platform account balance decreases to a given threshold. The default email address is the kaleyra.io account owner's email address. However, you can add other email addresses to get notifications to those email addresses too. This feature applies to prepaid customers only.

It is recommended to maintain a sufficient kaleyra.io account balance. A low account balance can impact the launching of the campaign, and your customers can miss the information that you wish to send through campaigns.



The low account balance value will be based on your kaleyra.io account currency. For example, if you are from India then your account currency will be Rupees.

To set the low balance alert, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Kaleyra.io account.
  2. On the top-right of the page, click the User Profile drop-down and then click Settings.
    The General Settings page appears.
  1. On the left menu bar, click the Notifications.
    The Notifications page appears.
  1. Toggle Low Balance Alert.
    The Low Balance Alert pane appears.
  1. Perform the following steps:
    1. In the Balance Below field, enter the balance amount when you wish to get the low balance notifications.
    2. In the Send Email To field, enter the email address to which you want to get notifications. By default, the account owner’s email address will be configured. You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma. For example - [email protected],[email protected].
  2. Click Save.
    The Request executed successfully message appears.



  • Click Edit Details to modify the Low Balance Alert setting. You can modify the low balance value and email addresses set for low balance alerts.
  • To stop receiving email notifications for the low balance alert, toggle Low Balance Alert and disable it.
  • If you disable a previously configured Low Balance Alert, when you re-activate it, the same configuration will be automatically applied.