Links Detailed Report

The Links Detailed Report allows you to get automated detailed reports that provide information about clicks on the shortened URLs sent through messaging services (for example, SMS or WhatsApp, email, and other channels available in

The Links Detailed Report provides information about clicks only for shortened URLs sent through messaging services and shortened using the URL Shortener service.

Once you enable and configure the recipient email address and the frequency for the Links Detailed Report from the Notifications page, you will receive an email notification to the configured email address at the configured frequency with an option to download the Links Detailed Report.

Using the link detailed reports, you can configure the frequencies to receive daily, weekly, or monthly reports. The links detailed report contains one row for each “click” that happened on a given shortened URL including specific user information (for example, mobile number) if the “track user” option has been enabled when creating the shortened URL using the URL Shortener service.

Links Detailed Report Fields Detail

The following table describes the fields available in the report:

Column Field NameDescriptionSample Value
SHORT_URLThe short URL for which a click has been recorded in the time period covered by the report.
TXTLY_IDInternal unique ID for the short URL, this ID is generated when the long URL has been shortened by the URL Shortener service.1234564
MOBILE NUMBERThe mobile number to which the short URL was sent and for which a click has been recorded.7xxxxxxxx8
CLIENT IPEnd-user device IP from which the click has been
BROWSERThe browser using which the short URL was accessed.Chrome
PLATFORMThe platform on which the short URL was accessed.AndroidOS
PLATFORM VERSIONThe platform version on which the short URL was accessed.10
DEVICE BRANDThe device browser engine that has been used to access the Short URL.WebKit
COUNTRYThe country from where the short URL was accessed. This information is inferred from the IP address of the device, so it may be not precise according to how IP addresses are managed by the IP-connectivity provider of the user.India
CITYThe city from where the short URL was accessed. This information is inferred from the IP address of the device, so it may be not precise according to how IP addresses are managed by the IP-connectivity provider of the user.Bengaluru
VISITED ONThe date and time when the short URL was accessed. It is the DD/MM/YYYY format.19/2/2024 2:54:51 PM
DEVICE TYPEThe device through which the short URL was accessed.Phone
CREATED_ONThe date and time when the short URL was created in the platform. It is the DD/MM/YYYY format.14/12/2024 12:08:49 PM
LONG_URLThe original URL using which the Short URL was generated.
CHANNELThe channel over which the short URL was sent to the end-users.WA
MESSAGE_IDThe message ID through which the short URL was sent to the end-users.0exxxx9d-7xxd-4xxb-8xxc-fcxxxxxxxx81:0
COMPANY_IDThe company ID using which the message containing the short URL was sent.Zcxxxxxxxxgb
CAMPAIGN_NAMEThe name of the campaign through which the short URL was sent to the end-users. If the message was sent using API or Plugin integration, then this field will be empty.DemoCampaign
TEMPLATE_IDThe template ID using which the Short URL was sent to the end-users. If the message was sent within a free-text message, that is not using a message template stored in, then this field will be empty.11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx17

Enable and Configure Links Detailed Report

To enable and configure the links detailed report, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the top-right of the page, click the User Profile drop-down and then click Settings.
    The General Settings page appears.
  1. On the left menu bar, click the Notifications.
    The Notifications page appears.
  1. Scroll down to the Links Detailed Report.
  1. Toggle Links Detailed Report.
    The Links Detailed Report pane appears.
  1. Select the links detail report frequencies from the following options:
    • Daily - Receive an email notification daily at 10 AM based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached links detail report. The reports contain the short URL click details from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM of the previous day.
    • Weekly - Receive an email notification every Monday based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached links detail report. The reports contain the short URL click details from the previous Monday to Sunday.
    • Monthly - Receive an email notification every third (3rd) of the month based on the timezone of your account (you can view and edit your timezone in your profile setting), with a link to download the attached links detail report. The report contains the short URL click details from the 3rd of the previous month to the 2nd of the current month.
  1. In the Send Report To field, enter the email addresses to receive the links detail reports.



  • You can select all the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options to get the links detail reports for all three frequencies.
  • By default, the account owner’s email address is present.
  • A minimum of one email address is required to save the links detail reports configuration.
  • You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma. For example -,
  1. Click Save.
    The Request executed successfully message appears.



  • Click Edit Details to modify the Links Detailed Report setting. You can modify the frequencies and email addresses of Links Detailed Report.
  • To stop receiving email notifications for the links detail reports, toggle Links Detailed Report and disable it.
  • If you disable a previously configured Links Detailed Report, when you re-activate it, the same configuration will be automatically applied.