Get Stats by MSGID

The email APIs in this section shows the different statuses of the emails sent within the specified date range.

The follwoing are the different statuses of the emails sent:

  • Accepted status - A request is marked as ‘accepted’ once it gets validated successfully by Kaleyra.
  • Bounce status - The email get bounce if the email account that you tried to send an email does not exist.
  • Delivered status - When the email is delivered to the recipient’s mailbox through the service provider.
  • Blocked status - When an email is being sent from an invalid sender domain (not registered).
  • Get summary stats - To get a summary of the statuses of all the emails that are sent. You can specify a date range as a query parameter to obtain the statuses of the emails sent within the specified date range. You can also use 'pagination' for the result.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!