JUMP TOAPI ReferenceOverviewKaleyra.io SMS APIsOverviewkaleyra.io SMS API Reference Testing ProcedureSingle SMS APISend SMS Using a TemplatepostBulk SMS APIsSend MKT/TXN/OTP SMS to Multiple Numbers using GETgetSend MKT/TXN/OTP SMS to Multiple Numbers using POSTpostSend SMS using JSONpostSend SMS using XMLpostSMS Status and Logs APIsGet SMS Status of Message IDgetGet Logs APIgetSender ID APIsCreate a New Sender IDpostList Sender IDs APIgetTemplates APIsCreate a Template APIpostList Template APIsgetVideo API INTRODUCTIONOverviewKey ConceptsEnvironmentsPersonally Identifiable Information (PII)IntegrationAuthenticationUser ManagementREST API IntegrationWeb SDK IntegrationAndroid SDK IntegrationiOS SDK IntegrationFeaturesChatFile SharingRecording and TranscriptionElectronic SignatureCustomizationQuery StringsServer Side User Details ProviderColor Theme and LogoIFrame IntegrationMobile SDK Color CustomizationOperationsREST API v2 Migration guideKaleyra Video REST API v2CompanyGet company detailsgetUpdate companyputGet company themegetUpdate company themeputUpdate company theme logoputList all virtual backgroundsgetCreate virtual backgroundpostDelete virtual backgrounddeleteGet all company translationsgetUpdate company translationsputDelete company translationsdeleteGet recording settingsgetUpdate recording settingputGet all encryption keysgetCreate encryption keypostGet encryption key by IdgetUserGet usersgetCreate userpostGet usergetUpdate userputDelete userdeleteUpdate user avatarputDelete user avatardeleteRoomGet all roomsgetCreate roompostGet roomgetDelete roomdeleteDisable roomputStart room recordingpostStop room recordingpostRoom call actionpostGet all participants of a roomgetAdd participant to a roompostGet room participantgetUpdate room participantputDelete room participantdeleteSessionGet all sessionsgetGet sessiongetGet session recordinggetDelete session recordingdeleteGet all session user connectionsgetGet session transcriptiongetDelete session transcriptiondeleteChatGet all channelsgetCreate channelpostGet channelgetDelete channeldeleteCreate chat messagepostGet chat messagesgetUploadGet all uploaded filesgetGet uploaded filegetDelete uploaded filedeleteTagGet all tagsgetCreate tagpostDelete tagdeleteSdkCreate access tokenpostEnvelopeGet all envelopesgetGet envelopegetWebhookGet all webhooksgetCreate webhookpostGet webhookgetUpdate webhookputDelete webhookdeleteVerify webhook signatureSignatureGet all signature templatesgetCreate signature templatepostGet signature templategetUpdate signature templateputDelete a signature templatedeleteCreate an automatic signaturepostEmail REST API v1Single EmailSend Single EmailpostBulk EmailBulk Email APIpostBatch EmailBatch Email APIpostEmail LogsLOGS APIgetEmail StatsGet Stats by MSGIDgetEmail TemplatesPost New Template APIpostGet Template API with PaginationgetGet Template API using templateIDgetUpdate Template API using templateIDputDelete Template API using templateIDdeleteGet companyget deprecatedhttps://{base_url}/rest/companyRetrieve information of the company related to the given API key.